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Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:29 pm
by thomez
1 in 20/25 that you recieve probably isn't a good estimate of total numbers because the vast majority of the owners that have early 02 billet cranks aren't going to be sending them to you - they have no reason to do so as many of these quads have 100, 200, sometimes 250 hours and going strong.

Now with that in mind I think I'm in the grouping of those with a bad one biggrin.gif

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:36 pm
by garysol1
do we have a approx build date of when they switched from the billet cranks?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:26 pm
by DangerRanger

If it has a problem or is new, get it fixed up right. If it is still running....go hammer down!!:hammer:

I am very impressed with the Winkys' work, they did some top notch work to my motor, and to the best of my knowledge, I wouldn't have trusted anyone else. Did I make a good decision...of course, even if it frys tomorrow, I know someone is there to stand behind it, try that with C-dale. I have dealt with other motor builders before, and Diamond Racing gets my vote for the Cdale, are they the best? my opinion yes, yours...well I don't care about yours, or I would have asked. If it makes it through a season, then call it good. For now, I am not even worrying...I just plan to flog the $hit out of it until she keeps going, or makes like a grenade.

We all think that the net represents a vast majority....we are sadly mistaken, I know personally of over 400 Cdales (Bikes and Quads) that we sold and I can count on one hand how many have had "Real" failures, the rest just had some bugs here or there, but nothing someone who owns one can't fix or get fixed very easily, or they should have left alone!!!!

I still hold it true, that if I ever got rid of the old worn out 400ex would be in my garage....why....because the Dale taught me what capabilites are out there, and no manufacturer is why buy into their hype? 7000 glorified EX? he!! no, give me a cdale, or bury me on an 99 EX.


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:27 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by DangerRanger

If it has a problem or is new, get it fixed up right.  If it is still running....go hammer down!!:hammer:

I am very impressed with the Winkys' work, they did some top notch work to my motor, and to the best of my knowledge, I wouldn't have trusted anyone else.  Did I make a good decision...of course, even if it frys tomorrow, I know someone is there to stand behind it, try that with C-dale.  I have dealt with other motor builders before, and Diamond Racing gets my vote for the Cdale, are they the best?  my opinion yes, yours...well I don't care about yours, or I would have asked.  If it makes it through a season, then call it good.  For now, I am not even worrying...I just plan to flog the $hit out of it until she keeps going, or makes like a grenade.

We all think that the net represents a vast majority....we are sadly mistaken, I know personally of over 400 Cdales (Bikes and Quads) that we sold and I can count on one hand how many have had "Real" failures, the rest just had some bugs here or there, but nothing someone who owns one can't fix or get fixed very easily, or they should have left alone!!!!

I still hold it true, that if I ever got rid of the old worn out 400ex would be in my garage....why....because the Dale taught me what capabilites are out there, and no manufacturer is why buy into their hype?  7000 glorified EX? he!! no, give me a cdale, or bury me on an 99 EX.


Breathe deep relax Ben. I think we need to talk you down from the ledge don't do it man.....


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:10 pm
by Jaybr
Originally posted by Big Winky
I taught him how to count, Jay. lol

So it's 1 in 21 then, you don't go higher than that do you?tongue.gif

I was actually asking because lets be realistic here, it's not 1 in 20 for all that where shipped, that # may be accurate for those that you have seen which where mostly sent to you because they where bad anyway.

I don't want to scare the he!! out of everyone about the cranks, are there some bad ones? Absolutely Yes! Do 4800 of the 5000 quads out there have a bad crank? No Way!

What defines whether a crank is good or bad anyway? There all gonna fail eventually anyway, as all mechanical parts wear out.

So is it good if it goes 100 hours? 200, 300, 400?

If it has some grinding compound in the journals and still goes 500 hours, is it bad?

Ben, Take a deep breath like Derno said.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:36 pm
by DangerRanger
I just need a bigger hammer for some of the guys on here!


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:03 pm
by Derno24
I think at the group ride we all need to have a group hug....

I agree with Jay. Lately we have seen way to much ddom and gloom on the site about these quads. We all know what we have by now. I think the issues that should be covered in my mind is when a crank goes what might happen to the engine as far as extra damage besides the crank.

Just a thought. Besides Ben I enjoy your rants:wow :head: :head:

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:04 pm
by haydug
Originally posted by claas900
..I wish Doug would chime in here..

I'm just sitting back watching everything here: However Ben, did you guy's really sell over 400 cannondale?? I didn't know they sold that many total.. :confused:

I have my own opinions here, but would rather just sit back and learn from all of this

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:03 pm
by DangerRanger
Their are way more than 400 bikes and quads out there, and definitely more than the 10 that get talked about here. I know a few people that are members here, and don't say much...they enjoy seeing the limited view sometimes, it gives them reason to laugh. I personally know of that many total bikes and quads, some we sold, others we maintained, people I race with, those who called for parts or tech, and only a select few had problems.....the squeaky wheel makes the most noise.


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:05 pm
by DangerRanger
**** yamadog rider!!tongue.gif jk bud, I understand where you are at, walk into any local shop, throw cannondale out there, and see the middle ground, either the guys loved em and were sad to see the intial demise, or they didn't like em from day one(of course most of these guys are still riding a mojave, so screw them)