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Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 7:20 pm
by Big Winky
exactly, cannondaler27. we have found that most of the oil is going to the main bearing through the hole and not leaving any oil for the crank it's self. we are working on a mod to the cart plate and the oil hole to solve problem of oil not getting to the crank rod bearing. The faster it spins..the worst the problem. I will post as soon as i come up with solution. the mod will help stock cranks survive also, maybe we can make crank failures a thing of the past on c-dales, I for one hope so.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 7:37 pm
by cannondale27
Winky I have great confidence in you.I know good work when I see it.You did your best here.It sounds as though you are persevering under all this pressure.Thanks for keeping at it.When you get it all figured out let me know what to do.Like I said before.Nobody else took on this crank monster as far as you did once in a while the monster bites you as long as you punch it back and let it know your not givin what more could a guy ask for.
These arent 400exs after all!

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 9:57 pm
by Canniboomer
I agree, well said, and will remain patient for a fix... Most of us are into these Cannondales for the long haul, and still won't trade 'em. Half of the cure is in the correct diagnosis, and it sounds like this intense approach to improving the oiling system
is right on target.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 1:12 am
by Jaybr
I'd like to better understand this, but I have a hard time believing this is a design flaw. I would much more suspect some inconsistencies in manufacturing or assembly is causing oiling problems.

How do we explain the many motors out there that have run fine for many hours without failure? I've had my Speed since 1/02 and haven't touched the motor other than valve adjustments. If there where a serious oiling problem, why has this motor lasted so long?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:38 am
by Derno24
I have to agree with Jay on this. I have seen several Dales with over 200 hours on them and some with new cranks can't last 20 hrs. I just want my motor to run good!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:38 am
by cannondale27
Do all the cranks have this hole I had marked and are all the crankplate oil passages the same from Cannondale?It would not suprise me if there are differences that might be critical.Bp hillmans crank looks to me as though it wasnt finished.Obviously if the plug was missing it will fail.Costly errors were definitly made but we do have to remember that when Winky did the cranks stock cranks were failing.I for one do not believe the balancing issue wrecked the stock cranks I have seen.It was a oiling issue.I wont make excuses for Winky but in my case the crank I recieved was top notch clearances were perfect and it indicated perfectly it is still running in my quad right now at 11,800 rpm even.
Winky it would help if we knew just how many cranks you did to put the failures in perspective.It would also ease my mind to see internal pics of a failed crank(pin).
It could be that because of other diffs in motors other than crank if a stock crank failed a Wink one also will.It could be just a error.It could be maintainence or breakin issue.It could be who installed it.It could even be contaminated oil(gas)or it could be all or a combination of these.I wont be buying any crank or touching my motor other than riding until this gets figured out.We have to be on the right track here though and the builders are all working together on this.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 4:22 am
by bphillman
Allow me to convey that I am not at all blaming Winky or Scott at Champion for the failure. I am also not blaming myself. Should it have been caught? Yeah, probably but things happen. My only issue here is that I have $1800 in to a motor that lasted 3 rides, the last one having my 14yr old daughter as the pilot and being somewhat stranded a few miles from camp with her sisters. (Getting pulled back to camp by a 9 yr old on a Raptor 80 was the ultimate insult to the injury! :-) ) This of course occuring during the same ride as my other 'dale (the wifes) loosing a lower balljoint on her, luckily just AFTER our 50+ MPH run down a wash and her first attempts at jumping. That bike is likely being sold tomorrow (with a brand new front end) as she is terrified of it now, and I honestly can't blame her. Rationale doesn't work too well in cases such as this. My only concern here is that I am out $1800, or at least the $600 for the defective crank. I am truly hoping Jim can see that I am not trying to slander him, and am only conveying this info and images in a effort to help the cause.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 7:32 am
by bknight
Do all the cranks have this hole I had marked and are all the crankplate oil passages the same from Cannondale?It
this is what i would like to know to 27
i know the pic of bphillman crank you can not tell buy looking at it if the hole is there or not?
Big Winky what you are saying that hole needs to be there or not.

is the holes in the 02 or 03 cranks

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:09 pm
by WolfmanGK
Ok, this may be really stupid, but at this point, I cannot afford to end up like bphillman. Everyone knows Cannondale touted the separate oil in crank and oil in tranny as "Helping the engine last longer". When a crank bearing goes out the engine does not "Last longer". So, why not perforate the crankshaft carteridge plate and fill the crankcase with 2 quarts of good mobile 1 synthetic 10w40 motorcycle oil? Other than this, what else can be done? I am looking at well over 2 grand to rebuild my engine, I cannot afford to do it again.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:15 pm
by josborn
That sound like a good idea to me, granted you'd have to change oil much more often, but who cares, at least it would live. Right on Wolfman GK.