Spinning flywheels?

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#31 Post by cannondale27 »

Dont worry it will happen.

MX Quad Dad
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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#32 Post by MX Quad Dad »

QUOTE (thedeatons @ Dec 14 2007, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sheesh... Okay, regardless of another problem, whether it is vibration or sloppy bearings or whatever, if flywheel is stopping ride, and has been for over a year's worth of riding now, then I think it is safe to say that is the weak link. Once the weak link is fixed, then we can find the next one. As mentioned, engine runs just fine when a new flywheel is installed, so regardless, the flywheels stink. Just my .02.... I'm not yelling, just saying who cares right now if the flywheel keeps breaking. Get a non-breakable one and then we will look for the next problem......

I brought up the question about the failure rate on quads to bikes, Thinking there may be something here to help build a better product.

I believe the one piece flywheel will probably fix the problem. I just believe if you know why there is a difference between the bike and the quad, one of the guru's here may use the info to find more HP. When the discussions get going here somebody seems to get an ideal and goes off and tries something. People on these C-Dale sites amaze me. Just recently someone put electric hand warmers on a Dale killed the batt. then Wayne goes into think mode and plumbs the coolant thru the bars, (I hope he Patent it and gets rich).

Manufactures like to have multiple uses for a component with as few modifications as possible, and that is understandable. They try to run the same engines in both. Two of he biggest differences I see are HP at rear wheels is lower on quads and putting some of the big bore Bike engines without counterbalance on a quad frame will tear it up. There may be something there? maybe the amount of counterbalance or counterbalance timing? We know the vibration affects the quad frame more, maybe a slightly out of time counterbalancer could affect the flywheel more on a quad than a bike?

We still need a better flywheel without a doubt. If a bad designed flywheel opens some minds and we find something that will increase the reliability of these engines or maybe find a little more HP, then looking back on the grief some people endured won't be so bad.

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