motor and product evaluation 92hrs

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#41 Post by timbomoose »

Here's a pic of cage comparison.(the damage causer)

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#42 Post by timbomoose »

As you can see from the picture the cage coating has rubbed off on both cages,but completely on the stocker (left)where it rubs.The groove worn into the rod is the same as the cage.Which leaves only a narrow strip in the middle of the rod to handle the load of the motor which causes failure.As you can see from the picture the outside webs of the cage are much narrower than the stock one and do not run in the path of the bearing.Also 3 more rollers than stock will also handle more load.

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#43 Post by timbomoose »

Another note.The bearings themselfs on the c'dale rods wear very little.Mosty on the outside edges where the suface of the rod is gone to make contact.The z400 rollers and the cannondale rollers showed 0 wear in the middle of the rollers,but both on the outside edges.z400- .0001-.0002 on the very outside of the edges and the cdale about .0007-.0008 tapering from the area of the rod that was gone.Both the c'dale and the z400 rods, pins, and bearings both showed absolutely NO DISCOLORATION from heat which would show signs of a lack of lubercation from an oiling issue.

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#44 Post by timbomoose »

Lastly the dreaded sludge.:mad: sad.gif .This was a brand new pin made perfectly clean and you guessed it SLUDGE! THe sludge is extremely fine and smooth like graphite caused from centrifuge.I do not think it could damage the crank unless a big lump would break away and go through all at once which is unlikely.I did notice that from positioning the oil holes differenly that stock that the sludge was packed in a different area than stock(evenly at the top tapering toward the back side of the pin).Higher rev limiter could lead to build up of sludge faster than a lower rev limiter.Higher the spinning speed the more the centrifuge.I also think a cast sleeve could lead to faster build up of sludge from cast wearing away in fine particals and going through oil,but frequent oil changes as the manual says could greatly slow it down no matter what sleeve you run.Here's what mine looked like from 8 oil changes with a nickasil sleeve using castrol semi synthetic.Again the sludge has a very little chance of damaging the crank unless coming out in a big glob.Extremely,extremely fine and slippery,but if doing a rebuild be sure to clean out the crank pin by taking the cap off the side of the crank and scraping it out away from the 2 oil holes not to push it in the bearing.Plugs can be purchased from a local auto parts store

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#45 Post by timbomoose »

Overall extremly happy with the way the crank performed. Definately got rid of that extreme vibrabration from machining the crank halves.I beleive that double crank life may be possible with this bearing.Time will only tell.Other versions are being tested in different conditions Sand, motocross, and cross country riding style.Different versions of cranks;Stock crank forged rod z400 bearing,Stock pin z400 pin my rod,3 more strokers my rod,z400 bearing and my pin,my pin z400 bearing my rod stock stroke etc.Reason for testing my rod is because I had to make them because no one makes a replacement rod for a cdale crank and nothing interchanges.Also testing two different materials of steel to see what holds up best.The new pins also have 2 smaller oil holes instead of one big one to see what holds up best.Some rods made to c'dale specs others to tighter tolerances>closer tolerances are better or until they start binding up from heat. Test,test,test,test,test,test,test.Goal is to find out how loose a rod can still be salvaged with a z400 bearing and to make a better rebuildable crank out of a stocker for alot LESS $$$.:head: :usa

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#46 Post by cannondale27 »

Great!I am impressed with the wear.Looks like my goal of two years without touching the motor might be possible after all!
Thanks Timbo.

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#47 Post by wistech »

This is great news Tim. Although the sludge buildup might never be prevented I think the sump magnets will make a big impact on the speed of buildup. Even with the buildup oil flow will keep the pin from ever shutting down a lube passage to the bearings. The one thing I would like to try is maybe unbalance the crank just a little to compensate for the wieght of the sludge in the pin that would build over the life of the crank. Maybe to the tune of 1/3 the amount of a completly full pin.

The rollers on z400 bearing must hold the cage centered very well because that is less wear than even the lowest hour stock crank Ive pulled apart.
Hopefully many of those that have purchased new cranks will make an effort to pull there engines down again to get them updated before the cranks fail or wear the rod beyond the point of reuse. Except for labor the update can be done for around a $100 depending of the bearing source and skill of the crank rebuilder. I think we have all bases covered for testing all the different combinations of cranks/rods/pins including a new balanced ATK crank.
It seems my biggest problem is getting enough seat time. LOL

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#48 Post by Ryanstones »

I vote the CANNONDALERIDERS R&D TEAM for CannondaleRiders of the year!

with all the Drama's that have played out here, the success you guys are having and your comittment to figuring this machine out are amazing!

Thank you for your efforts! Long live the Cannondale!

:clap: :clap: :clap:


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#49 Post by wanablaze »

Stick! Stick! Stick!

Go TIMBO, go! :clap:

Great work. If it werent' for Doug, Timbo, Wistech, 27, Jaybr, and others, I don't know if I'd still have my cdale. Thanx alot for keeping it alive guys!:clap: :clap: :clap: :usa

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Originally posted by wanablaze
Stick! Stick! Stick!

Go TIMBO, go! :clap:

Great work. If it werent' for Doug, Timbo, Wistech, 27, Jaybr, and others, I don't know if I'd still have my cdale. Thanx alot for keeping it alive guys!:clap: :clap: :clap: :usa

I have to agree with you on that, and add if it was'nt for knowing Timbo, I would have NEVER bought my first Dale
last August. Or an X440 this Aug.
Thanks, Tim.:clap: :clap: :cheers: :dance: :head:

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