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Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:46 pm
by aroracer72
What about the special extra tight tolerences and balancing falicon does to their cranks...if a local shop or yourself dont do it the same the cranks wont function as well as a crank assembled by falicon themselves would...........

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:35 pm
by Happyboy
Not to mention Falicon welds their pins in. At least they were on the cranks I saw. You are going to have to grind that down, rebuild....

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:42 pm
by cannondale27
I agree balancing should be a issue but think about it.A piston didnt even exist to fit the short rod Falicons until After the cranks were made.That is a good argument also for them supplying long rod also.Ask them how they balanced the crank if they didnt have all the parts(which we know they did)if in fact they did how could such an error in rod length be made?The welds arent a issue in pressing a crank apart.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:23 pm
by GDITheman
i could get into it with them, but i'd rather move forward. is there any issue with timbo doing the r&r on the new rod? it didn't sound like it when i talked to him about it.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:39 am
by aroracer72
He makes the other most reliable/successful crankshaft, so if anyone was gonna do it id trust tim.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:53 am
by cannondale27
He can do it.Being first one though balance might be a issue.I am not believing Falicon is rebalancing for that low of prices.Did anyone check to see if they got rebalanced when converted?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:29 pm
by wistech
I would send the crank to falicon for the repair. Its thier baby. So what is causing the wrist pins to wear out and not the aluminum? Bad pins or abrasive forgings? Maybe thats why they are cracking to. Has Tom posted pics of the 505 piston? I saw this piston up close and it was scary. This was the only JE I know of to put out over 50hp.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:00 am
by cannondale27
******.Internal motor parts need to be made right first time.That involves quality checks to ensure that by manufacturer.The cracks in pistons I could see escaping a quality control system since the motors themselves,hp,compression,vibration and RPM can all cause that.But the wear of piston into the wristpins is unexcusable especially since the rod area looks just fine.That tells me JE has bad QC and cant be trusted to do it right again.
Now if you are talking about CWR cams CWR plain lied.He was NOT the manufacturer.The manufacturer Megacycle was called by me and stated they had trouble holding hardness of cams and that they didnt test them.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:03 am
by wistech
QUOTE (****** @ Oct 5 2006, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YOu know this sounds like a different problem we have all time where there was something going on and noone called up the manufature to see if there was something wrong...HMM sounds like a broken record with cdale parts and the regular experts calling a product junk instead of seeing if there was a problem during manufacture so it can be fixed right.

Are you talking about Haydug? Is it Haydugs reponsiblity to design and test parts he was selling or the manufacturers who were building them for him?

Cwr cams, falicon cranks,je pistons,wwe wrist pins,tight milenium liners,kibble white valves,kibblewhite(cwr) springs,sbm titanium valves all made it to market with flaws and little if any testing at the expense of the purchaser. Maybe thats great that you think the customer should be the test subjects but thats pretty low to try and make those of us that bought this crap and got screwed the bad guys just because we arent afraid to blow the whistle .
I didnt see a sign on the box that said if you have problems with this part please redesign and improve it for us . But geewiz looks like that what we end up having to do.
Ive been there to watch one of my engines take the lead in a race only to dnf half a lap later because the JE piston broke in half . That was the second one in 2 days. Then the premature wear of the wrist pins and now Toms piston. Not to mention thier dismal dyno results. So yes I think JE's are ashtrays . Well the ones that dont have to too big a holes in them. This opinion was born from experience not ingnorance.
I moved on to a several better pistons more suited to the task long ago.

You can slam and belittle all of us victims all you want ****** . It wont help make the parts any better , the engines last any longer,or have more competative power .

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:06 am
by aroracer72
Has ANYONE considered using a stock wristpin or left over wristpin(because wristpins..good ones....hardly wear...its the piston that wears) in the JE piston???.......When i tear this motor apart the rest of the way im spec'ing a stock wrist pin and if it specs out im using it.