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Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:18 pm
by cannondale27
I will not hold back any info on my motor.What happens you will know about.But you have to realize that when I spent the money to do it I didnt KNOW for sure how it will work.So if it fails it has to be understood that we have learned by the failure and will move forward not holding anyone responsible as long as we all learn from it.

You all know my goals.I made one year on a stock motor with all the updates.Now I will try to get two.That is a huge improvement since small problems get compounded.Might even be considered reckless.We will see:D

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:25 pm
by DangerRanger
Hey Steve, I tried calling ya the past couple days. been busy everytime, give me a hoot when ya can


Thanks for the clarification

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:42 pm
by Ryanstones
Winky and Ranger. Good posts. I don't want to see this dream die, so ya'll get to work making these machines better!

Winky, can i be in your circle?smile.gif

Also, do you have any plans to add capacity to meet demand for your crank work?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 5:21 pm
by DangerRanger
I know Winky is finishing 8 or so Cranks for Haydug, saw some more there waiting on parts, he ain't slowed down a bit there...poor guys lives in his shop now, and goes on vacation to his house!!!:hammer:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:13 pm
by cannibalq8
hey Big Winky .. can u tell us about ur new drag race stuff .. the aftermarket injectors, new 4 gear tranny..etc .. what u can tell us about them ?

Motor reliable???

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:31 pm
by DMAC10
This is the question on any thing that has an engine.
I'm by far not a mechanic, I Know how to do basic maintenance on the dale. Bought mine in May of 02, How many hrs on her I have no idea.

I've run several MX nationals, and a few GNCC and I've been running a MisSouth Series. This weekend will be the 10th race in this series with each race about 2 hrs. If you add my trail time and practice time, I've probably got over 500 hrs.

So to me the dale has held up very well, of course I've had some troubles, but when you ride hard you have them. Make the repair and get back out there.

If she blows this weekend, I will still be a happy Cannondale owner. :usa :clap:

So just remember, yes we all want to know how long something will last, but actually you will never be able to know for sure. All we can do is gather what information is avaialable and make our own educated conclusions. I feel that there are several people on this site that are really trying to make the dales better. To me that is loyalty, yes they do make money from it, but the service they provide is well worth the investment.

If my motor goes, I will for be contacting Haydug or Big Winky for their help, and will put my 100% trust that they will do the best job on the motor that they can. If she breaks again, it will not be at the error of these guys.

Anyway thats just the opinion of an old man, so everyone can take it for what its worth. smile.gif

Enjoy your cannondale, and enjoy all the new friend that you have made since owning one.:clap: :clap: :drink:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:10 pm
by DangerRanger
Can I get an AMEN!!!!:clap:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:12 pm
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by DangerRanger
Can I get an AMEN!!!!:clap:

Amen, amen!! Lord have mercy! Amen! :bow:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:28 pm
by garysol1
Can we just lock this thread on this high note......:hammer: