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Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:03 am
by thomez
Who has said that before Jay?

I didn't get any cooperation, but I tried to test that theory long ago.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:23 am
by WolfmanGK
Originally posted by thomez
The reliability stuff is scaring me away from the machine I love. I'm afraid to ride it now - it's rediculous, I know.

Me after thinking of my Cannondale a month ago = biggrin.gif

Me thinking about it now :confused: :cry:

For those interested in oil pressure, it is listed on the dyno sheets that are on Cannondaler. I always thought it was low...


I hear you, loud and clear.

bphillman: Isn't that just something else to go wrong? I hope some good comes of this, and someone gets a concrete answer once and for all.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:25 am
by bphillman
Like I said, its a brainstorm, but if nothing can be engineered, then it may be a worth while risk.. of course the batterys probably would take a dump then. Ya' never win! :-)

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:47 am
by bknight
i got this sume time back on my glamis
oil press idl 2.5
oil press rev 6.5
jaybr and thomez could be right on track
ok let me get this right all the pumps run on grears sorry spilling
would bigger grears help???? if not what is holding the oil back

Oil pressure not needed!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:20 pm
by cannondale27
This is the kicker guys.We do not need oil pressure to any of our bearings!A car with inserts for bearings must have oilpressure to hold the insert and part apart.The only spot in our entire motor that is somewhat like this is the smallend rod bearing and wristpin.All twostroke motors also use ball or needle bearings in them yet not one of them has a oil pump the oil is just vaporized along with the gas and it flows into everything.No oil pressure whatsoever.In other words the oil just needs to get to where it needs to be volume is what we need to look at not oilpressure if
oil is the problem.I am leaning toward Jays theory of manufacturing defects specificly the huge pressure needed to press the crank together.I think that extraordinary amount is distorting the crank pin.A needle bearing such as we have needs a flat polished surface to ride on a crack or distortion will kill the bearing no matter how much oil is there.(bearing will shatter)then the heat occurs.I just dont know how to prove it.

I forgot about the Cams(duh)we do need oil pressure to get the oil to the cams lobes since oil needs to be lifted.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:41 pm
by josborn
So realistically we don't have an oiling problem, but a manufacturing problem? How come other cranks can be rebuilt? I have had 250r cranks redone, rm, yz, cr etc. with no problems. If oil pressure isn't the problem, then why not add some bigger openings in places to allow the oil to get where it needs to go. I did notice some goulding (sp.?) on my stock wrist pin, how are we going to get more oil there?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:58 pm
by cannondale27
All those cranks you mention take half the pressure needed to assemble or disassemble the cannondale crank.I agree the wristpin area does need more oil but even though they gall I dont believe enough heat will ever build up there to seize it.Never heard of that although it sure makes it hard to pull the pin.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 1:02 pm
by josborn
27, why does it take so much pressure to build the crank? I guess I don't get that part. Maybe we just need a redesigned crank, and goto a single oil compartment?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 1:11 pm
by cannondale27
I think they thought they were doing a good thing.Lots of cranks are welded after being put together to prevent them from coming out of sync or apart.There would never be a need for this with the cannondale crank.A redesigned normal crank would do the trick if this is the problem.Just have to prove this is the problem.It sure makes sense.If making a crank like they did made sense why does noone else make them like that?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 1:18 pm
by josborn
Does anyone know if the Falicon crank will be a welded pin, or the press fit style?