HDC 450 vs. WWE "Designed" 450?

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#51 Post by DangerRanger »

And for ******, Thomez and all my other controsaries...I will agree to disagree. We all have opionions, they are all right and wrong in some ways...but we gotta hold on to em right?? Thank goodness we aren't dying for our choices!!! tomato..tomato.. you know the whole thing.

I ain't perfect, never claim to be, but I am head strong...it is good and bad sometimes. I am wrong alot too, it just takes me too long to figure that out. I just love to learn new things..and test people I guess.

Meek, I can't say much about you and I ...I f*cked up along time ago..and it will never be right. Even if I can get it fixed, I will never be up to standards in your eyes, but I will do the best I can from here on out. I guess if I ain't a friend...at least maybe i can keep from being your enemy.....

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#52 Post by Sandstorm »

If an ATK motor has failed because of a wristpin it is not the same as a blown crank. Mine has been good so far and goes through alot of torture.. Can it go bad??? Maybe,,,,,I don't know and only time and hrs will.. I do have a good amount of hrs on mine and I think if it was going to seize it would've of done it by now.. Again time will tell, but I think I'm safe.

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#53 Post by glamister »

Thomez I have those names for ya......... Bert and Earnie, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, O YA Goofy:eek:

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#54 Post by cheetah5431 »

Still yet if anyone built these engines flawlessly we wouldn't have this discussion because everyone's motor would be built by them. They all have their faults and strengths. I'm sure if one of them was a complete DA that screwed everything up they wouldn't be in business. Let's face it we ride some of the most complex machines out there and they all seem to have a mind of their own. I've personally heard of at least one good and bad motor from everyone so it's not really fair to judge. I for one cannont justify $2k for ATK to "blueprint" my motor drop a new sleeve and piston in. It seems like most everyone here already has formed their opinions so why try and change them. Let's just all be happy we ride the greatest d@mn machines ever made.:usa

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#55 Post by Rx440 »

******, no offense taken. I sat back and watched the postings in the cannondale of the month forum, but decided to stay out of the controversy. Like I said, I tend to fly pretty much under the radar. Although I think either of my Dales would tend to stack up pretty well in the voting, I am just not looking for that kind of attention. I get my thrills using my quads doing what they were built for.........RIDING!

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#56 Post by bknight »

:drink: :cool: biggrin.gif
good to see that some one could be about my age. 50 here
now no :rotf love to ride

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#57 Post by Rx440 »

Gettin' real close, bknight.....49 next week! :cheers:

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