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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:54 pm
by fig
Originally posted by cannondale27
Do not post pics of Tims port work without permission

Steve- Read my post again :deal: . I invited Smitty over to look at it, not to help me post a picture :confused: :head: :usa :usa

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:56 am
by cannondale27
Fig I know.That is nice of you.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:03 am
by cannondale27
Originally posted by Jaybr
Your joking right 27?

You are the one guy that has consistently preached that everything Cannondale should open to the public.  You've consistently asked for open sharing of knowledge from every business that claimed to know anything, MAZ, ATK, SBM, etc.

Now I guess in your head everyone is suppose to share their secrets except Timbo?  And your logic is that since he is loosing money on his port work?  

Probably every vendor that ever dealt with Cannondale lost money, so why shouldn't they be allowed to maintain their secrets as well?

Jay I am not going to get into it with you.But there is a difference.Timbo is not ripping people off like others have with Airhorns,Maps etc.I have consistently asked for open sharing of people who were ripping people off.Never for those that want to make a living honestly.BIG Difference.Also what I want and what I get are two different things that I have to live with.Why should he share everything with a bunch of ungrateful people anyway?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:24 am
by cannondale27
Originally posted by ******
And what? if you see that as me cutting on peoples work you need help. they are just looking for answers.

Should I go back and look for you're posts where You stated that everyone else work was poor and couldn't posibly be makeing the numbers you guys get??

No need to go back.I will say it again.There is no way the motors with porting I have seen from CWR,Southbay,WWM and FDO are making the power of the Timbo motors.Only one I am a bit worried about is DABs because it looks like a great job.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:01 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by cannondale27
No need to go back.I will say it again.There is no way the motors with porting I have seen from CWR,Southbay,WWM and FDO are making the power of the Timbo motors.Only one I am a bit worried about is DABs because it looks like a great job.

Man Steve Wanna Beer? I need a drink all this testosterone flying around here is giving me a headache. I wanna go punch the dog and pet the wife or do I have it backwards?

Just so everyone knows I am joking about hitting the dog.............................................................................
......................................................And of course my wife!

I'll start this and see if it grows

One thing we all can agree on is:

We love to ride our dales.

Now everyone copy the one thing we agree on is part and add your statement!smile.gif

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:04 am
by Jaybr
Originally posted by cannondale27
Jay I am not going to get into it with you.But there is a difference.Timbo is not ripping people off like others have with Airhorns,Maps etc.I have consistently asked for open sharing of people who were ripping people off.Never for those that want to make a living honestly.BIG Difference.Also what I want and what I get are two different things that I have to live with.Why should he share everything with a bunch of ungrateful people anyway?

Don't misunderstand me Steve, I think Timbo and anyone else that develops a product has the right to keep that product secret if they want to. They also have the right to charge whatever they want for it, the market will dictate what a reasonable price is.

If someone makes an inferior product the market will figure that out soon enough and nobody will buy it. If the product is superior people will pay for it.

Remember, I'm in the software business where piracy is huge and most people have no idea what development cost are for a new product.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:42 am
by Sandstorm
Whoa,,,,, easy guys... I didn't know a few pics would stir up so much stuff. I didn't even know who ported Smittys head. He asked for a pic.. Only SB and Thomez brought out feelings like we are seeing here. sad.gif

Wise, Tim, J Dealany, and C27 rode the Athena and I think this is what I saw on your faces..:wow :eek: :head:

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:31 pm
by cannondale27
Actually sandstorm that ride was one of the wierdest I ever had.It just seemed to rev slow and then gradually the front end was coming up halfway up hill and there was nothing I could do to keep it down!Three times it did same thing.It was a very decieving quad since it didnt seem like it was reving at all going up hill.Not scary at all.Very easy to ride fast till front end was hitting sky :cool:

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:19 pm
by badvox
Originally posted by Derno24
Just so everyone knows I am joking about hitting the dog.............................................................................

Now everyone copy the one thing we agree on is part and add your statement!smile.gif [/B]

I agree with this completely I would never hit my dawg!! smile.gif

Nice one Derno

Which Head

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:30 pm
by Smitty911
Originally posted by wistech
Was a bored throttle body supposed to be used with that head?

Whose head? Mine, I believe so based on what is in Dougs site about the ultimate motor.

Why do you ask?

The insert was removed and it looks like everything lines up.
