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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:07 am
by wistech
QUOTE (****** @ Oct 5 2006, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually CWR didn't know there was a problem with their cams until Tim bashed them on here and I contacted them on the problem, In which he offered to replace the bad ones but some people just didn't take the time to call him directly.

If there was a quality control problem then JE should have been notified so they could fix the problem instead of getting bashed on a small community forum.

Je was notified almost a year and a half ago . Guess what thier response was.

So again your blaming Haydug for not testing cwr cams for cwr?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:06 am
by Guy310
Had to jump in here again. Ryan Costello, not to take anything away from him, but at Redbud, I watched him get manhandled like a 10-year old boy at Michael Jackson's house for the weekend. He was racing against Suzukis, which have subpar suspension compared to the $10k ATK and are a little underpowered. The guy who handed him his *** was a local who got DQ'ed for having a superturbonitro race bumper. (Notice the sarcasm ******?) He didn't even get second place. Another local who doesn't even jump all the jumps at his own home track won the class. I would gather a wee bit more info before declaring a victory for the mighty ATK because someone podiumed at a Nat. in the stock class. They couldn't even field a good turnout in that class at most rounds and at one of the rounds, they didn't get anyone. How does that grab you?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:17 am
by Happyboy
It doesn't matter what you ride, at the nat level skill isnt' the only factor. Its money. Plain and simple. And is it easier to get sponsers on a dale or on a honda/yamaha/suzuki? Thats a no brainer. What is it that you are riding Doug? And why is that? He is a **** of a rider and was riding dales but when it comes down to it most places won't put their names on dales because there is no money it them for those shops. So the national level arguement is just plain stupid if you ask me. ****, if a local shop offered to pay all my expenses to ride their quad I would be on it for every race.

Now, for CWR...I contacted him long before you did ******. He was very open to testing them and even sent cams, valves, and springs to test with. That is how we got our numbers. He was shocked to see the whole setup was so far off of what he thought it was going to be. As for the business side of that deal I can't comment on as I wasn't involved. But the facts show the R&D was not done on that setup by any of the involved parties and the parts ended up in paying client's motors.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:50 am
by cannondale27
****** Timbo talked to Greg at CWR and Haydug in august about 3 months before he posted anything.I didnt want to say anything about out of spec Falicons because I didnt buy one just installed them.I did tell owner and expected others to speak up who it affected since they paid alot for them.The JE's I thought were gone or not being sold. Timbo has a bunch but wont sell them.Haydugs supply of pistons for short rod Falicons was exhausted last year and I assumed they werent being reordered.Now I look at Dernos post which says every year he redoes top end.Its been a year for the vast majority of the JE's.So all I am saying is it would be very wise to do a top end job and at least inspect for cracks and wristpin wear.After 20hrs no piston manufacturer will warantee thier big bore pistons.So you all have an idea what to expect if over that.
Aroracer try a Wiseco hard chromed pin.But think about it have you EVER heard of the aluminum of a piston wearing into a steel wristpin?I havent.Couldnt believe my eyes.
****** do you really believe the tax write off thing?If that were true cannondale would still be in business since all the warantee work would have been paid in full.Give me a break!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:35 pm
by jwheat
QUOTE (****** @ Oct 5 2006, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And the business side look a buaisness takes a hit on something they write it off on taxes plain and simple its called a loss or business expence. If you are not claiming it you need to go work for someone who know what that is and not try try to go into buisness you're brothers just bought a $100,000 log skidder, guess what thats a tax write off plain and simple when they cut a tree that hits a house or garage then its a tax write off. Same thing tim and others do with thier "I had to pay to get thier quad running again" speeches.

I don't have an opinion on the CWR cams or the JE Pistons since I have never personally dealt with either of them, but..... on the business end of it, I can definitely tell you that you are mistaken. I have owned my own business for over 10 years and managed another shop for over 6 years before that and can tell you for a fact that you do not get to write off every broken or failed part or comeback. I'm sure that Doug, Brad, Dave, or Tim can vouch for that. Failed parts and comebacks always cost the business owner money and time. Parts can be warrantied by the manufacturer in most cases, but labor is seldom reimbursed and the lost time is just gone. Most small businesses do not do line by line itemization on their taxes and therefore do not write-off these problems. You can be assured that any failed parts warrantied by CWR or JE or Doug or Tim did cost them money out of their own pocket.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:13 pm
by Happyboy
QUOTE (****** @ Oct 5 2006, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happyboy first read what people wrote Costello is in the stock class, JT is a privateer but gets to most of his racing on his own.

CWR I talked to him as soon as tim started bitching about the cams and he stated I was the first to say something about it he's 30 mins up the road from my house. AND he offered to help in anyway he could.

I hear yah on costello. I really wonder how many times Greg gave the "first time he heard of it" spill. Seems and talked like a really nice guy, but if so then why did nothing ever get resolved? Maybe all parties got a little run around??

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:05 pm
by GDITheman
i just drained my oil this weekend and had WAY too much aluminum in it. maybe my wrist pin in wearing int othe piston. i don't know, but the engine will be shipped out this week and be rebuilt with a PROPER piston and the correct length rod.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:36 pm
by cannondale27
Great!I cant understand why alot of guys didnt take Falicon up on the FREE short rod replacement right away.Was it fear of another long wait?
Take a picture of parts.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:46 am
by GDITheman
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Oct 8 2006, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great!I cant understand why alot of guys didnt take Falicon up on the FREE short rod replacement right away.Was it fear of another long wait?
Take a picture of parts.

i took what doug had ont he shelf. for me, it costs a couple hundred dollars in just shipping to have a guy look at my engine. so, once it was built and installed, i wasnt in a hurry to pull it and ship it again.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:29 am
by cannondale27
Yes it is frustrating sometimes with these things.Hope you stick it out.