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The Dale From He11

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:44 am
by steve-222
Well I had to stop working on the 02 c440 for a while because it was pissing me off and it was sitting pretty close to a gas can. I fixed the stator wires and it was still cutting out after about ten min. It would still take an additional ten min. before it would fire back up. Then there was all of the oil that appeared on top of the piston. The Dale from He11 was lucky that the gas can was empty, because I would have burned that mother down.

This weekend I went to the garage with a cool head and went at it again. The bike would start up but if you touched the gas it would die until you got it warmed up. My 03 x440 does not require a warm up time if its running its ready to rock. So my bro and I went for a ride and as always it died in the same place it dies every time, approx. ten min out. We got the bike back home and I took a look at it. After it cooled down I tried to start it again and it would not start. So I took the coil off and took the spark plug out and it looked normal not burnt and not wet. I put the plug back in put the coil on and pluged the coil in and it seemed too easy to me. I tried to start the bike and it still wouldn't start. I unpluged the coil again and looked at the connector, the plug ends were way too loose. I went and got my pick and bent the connector tighter and pluged it back in and hit the green button. The Dale from He11 fired right up and then I gave it some gas and it liked it. Went for about a hour test ride no problems as of yet.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:06 pm
by KRMit
So it was a connector in the coil? It's always the simple things that get ya. :cry:

At least you have a happy ending.