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Vibration... need help!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:17 pm
by Jman
Hey guys, last time I rode I thought I felt a vibration through the bars and my fingers went numb. I don't know if that was because my riding was different, because of a blown shock or not.

Today I cut open the oil filter to see if there was any metal in there and there wasn't really any more than usual. Should I have it rebuilt or keep riding? I don't want to spend the money if I don't have to, but I also don't want to tear the motor up any more if there is a problem.

Please help!


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:04 pm
by cannondale27
Try packing your exhaust and riding again.Seems to make a dif.Also sometimes the ground surface does it.I thought my YFZ was vibrating alot at the Race but reccently took it down a road up to revlimit and no vibration.No real sure way of knowing other than the metal in filter.