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Diagram of the mess under my airbox?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:48 pm
by dguercia
New to dismantling these bikes. I just popped my airbox off the carb for the first time and I see a plug that is unplugged and 1 tube that is hanging loose and looks like it needs to be plugged in somewhere as well.

Does anyone have a diagram online or a pic or routing map of what goes where - directly under the airbox?? I know its a bit broad of a request but just wondering.

'Diagram of the mess under my airbox?'

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:41 am
by dguercia
Hey, thx for the reply, so I figured out where the electrical connector goes, thx so much for that. As per the black tube, it is actually not directly under the airbox. Here is a better description (hopefully):

There are two identical pieces on either side of the carb, they both look like 4 way intersections with black tubes coming out of each side and each one goes someplace?? (real descriptive hey? if you need a pic I can take one). On the intersection on the right side of the bike, one of the tubes seems to be sticking out of the side of the bike now and I have no idea where that goes. It use to go somewhere but i yanked on a few wires and i must have popped it out of place.

'Diagram of the mess under my airbox?'

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:04 am
by dguercia
cool, is there anywhere on this site that shows a pic of this routing that you know of off hand?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:50 pm
by bigdawg
check out the parts manuals there quite good for where things are supposed to go...Im sure you can download them here somewhere...

And these bikes dont actually have carburettors!!