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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:59 am
by rider4christ999
hey so my cannibal has a magura hydraulic clutch on it. did these things come stock on them or was there a cable clutch on them? reason being is that i can pull the clutch all the way in and it does not engage it in the motor. the little resivor thats on the handle bars beside the clutch was practically empty when i got the bike a few weeks ago and i added fluid and it worked then took it out for my first ride like 5days later and it wouldnt engage again. i have no clue what the problem is. i tore it apart and am completely clueless with this hydraulic stuff. any ideas thanks

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:26 am
by Psychosis
They were stock on 03's. Was it properly bled too? Since you added fluid and it didn't work, you definately needed to do that. It could just need to be adjusted too.

Do a search and you should be able to figure out the problem or a detailed guide on adjusting/bleeding them. If you still need help then I am pretty well right down the road and actually will be going through Peoria the next two days for items in storage. Wouldn't mind stopping by to see if the problem can be solved and get you going again. Just give me a call if you ever want a second opinion that's local. (618)841-8490

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:27 am
by rider4christ999
im gonna give bleeding it a try tommorow. will see how it does. hoepfully it works....if not im not gonna be to happy. i havent ben able to really ride this quad since i got it. id like to go and actually take it for a ride without it breaking on me before i pull away from the truck

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:51 am
by Happyboy
Just bleed it right. The clutches bleed backwards. You want to remove the lid from the ressy then loosen the bleed vavle on the slave. Then with a dropper (plastic part of a needle, like when you get a shot) and hose you want to push fluid into the slave until there are no little bubbles rising in the ressy.