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Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:24 am
by mikecancu812
I've been tinkering on my '02 Speed and I can't seem to get the clutch the way I want it. It shifts into the gears pretty hard. I don't like it. I bought the KTM syringe and bled it and the clutch lever feels good. I took the clutch cover off and adjusted it (allen head all the way in, then back it 3 turns) but it hasn't seemed to help. I've never goofed around with clutches before but everything looks good in that area. It goes in all the gears and I can even find neutral with motor runnin but I don't like it clunkin into gear. Any ideas

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 4:34 am
by peterock
Does it want to creep or lurch forward when you click it into gear?

What oil are you using?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:11 pm
by mikecancu812
yes it does and I'm using Amsoil

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:19 pm
by Canniboomer
QUOTE (mikecancu812 @ May 25 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
........I took the clutch cover off and adjusted it (allen head all the way in, then back it 3 turns) but it hasn't seemed to help.

You do not want to run the set screw in until it stops hard. By that point, the pressure plate has been fully extended.
...the so-called "all-the-way-in" is the point at which the pressure plate actually starts to move leftward. You can verify that position visually and by "feel" while spanning your finger across the edge of the plate and a basket tine. You can detect when any movement starts, and back-off the screw from that point.

And before putting the clutchcover back on, you can work the clutch a few times while watching carefully. You should see the plate loosen outward slightly, and then re-engage firmly with each stroke. At that point, the machine should be pushable in 1st with the clutch lever pulled, and it should halt abruptly when you release.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:21 pm
by cannondale27
Not sure how much time is on your machine but some other longterm wear items are the hub(grooves),pushrod(wore at ball contact),Ballbearing,and the detent pawl.Also look for bent tabs on discs.