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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:00 am
by kevin444
guys / gals......

i've made posted so many topics and i'm sure you sick of me, but i'm really getting fed up with this motor as i'm sure everyone know's......broke it in yesterday for 45-60mins and had a stalling problem, but it would run fine for 10-20mins.....found out that there was a kink in the fuel return line.....fixed it today and now it will crank on with no problems, but stall very shortly after! WTF!!!

i've checked the fuel filter and the flow of gas returning to the's a strong stream to the second it stalls......

what do i need to look for....the EFI thig is really bugging me....i've got alot of money and time in this quad and its really getting frustrating......i've only been on her for 1 1/2 hrs max with the old and new engine. This is a new symtom that jsut popped up out of no where. I also tried the key in both positions and opened it up and cleaned the contacts. My next step is probably to hard wire the on and off switch, but i doubt it is the problem.

oh, and right before it shuts off it slightly revs its leaning up or no gas, but the return stream as noted is strong to the last milli-second

this just sucks.........

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:22 am
by kevin444
oh yea!!! it was the main fuse!!!! it did not sit very tightly! only let it run for a minute, but i think i'm good to go......will let you know for sureonce its ran for more than a few mins.......might want to check that conection on your quads....


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:54 pm
by MyCannibal
kinda weird that it would even run if it was the main fuse...that dosent sound right.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:48 pm
by UpsMan
That wouldn't surprise me any. I could see it acting that way if it wasn't making good contact. I was thinking it was an electrical issue. Everytime I have something going on that I am just SURE must be fuel related, it always turns out to be electrical.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:56 pm
by rayspeed
Congrats on finding it and thanks for sharing what you found!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:31 pm
by MyCannibal
You think it woulda blown the fuse though if it wasn't making good contact...interested to see if it stays running right for a period of time longer than a minute...I just find it odd that with the vibration of these machines and if it wasnt making good contact that it would run at all...I hope this was the culprit though...keep us updated.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:45 pm
by claas900
I've had a fuse tease me. Get to a RPM and it would die. Checking the fuse is one of the things I look for when hunting down a problem

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:12 pm
by MyCannibal
I guess so...I've just never had a problem with mine unless it was blown.