110 race gas?

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#1 Post by NHRAFreak92 »

I know the 440s were not made to run 110 race gas but would it help or hurt if i ran it in my two dales? what do most of you guys run? i would like to start to use 110 but as of now i use 93

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#2 Post by kdeal »

A couple of points higher of octane can't hurt, but you would just be wasting your money. Too much octane has been known to cause symptoms as well. If you already have the fuel, I would mix the race gas into my premium unleaded but no more than 50/50 mix. The only advantage I see is there would be no alcohol in the race gas and in extreme heat conditions where you may be at the limit of the octane you are running. I run fresh 93 octane premium unleaded in Florida's heat without any issues.

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