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Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:55 pm
by NRath
You lucky dog!! I wish I were going! I went about 2 weeks ago. That place is awesome!! I wanted to throw a post up about the trip, but I haven't made time to do it. Gas wasn't a problem on my trip. I hit 2 of the 3 trail systems. I didn't get to ride out of the Bear Wallow trail head. You can ride down the middle of the roads like a car and the cops don't even look at you!!
Anyway, start with full tank and you'll ride to a town where you can fill up(about 2+ hours) and get lunch. Don't forget to take your money with you. I had only used about 1.5 gals each time I filled up about midday and we were stroking! I'd suggest taking an extra set of wheels/tires with you for back ups- just in case. I killed one of my fronts, but had spares. I hit a rock(there's a few of those out there!!!) and bent the rim- wouldn't hold air. Got a couple slits in the sidewall from the ride back to the truck.
If skidplates are on your long term plan, buy them before you go! It's a comforting feeling knowing the bottom side is safe. Mine came back with plenty of new scratches.

Your in for a completely awesome trip! Enjoy it!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 2:09 am
by mountainman10
NRath I am glad to see you liked the trail. It is a good thing that you brought the spares, but it sucks that you had to use them.

Ben, You can ride for a pretty long time before you need to refuel, but all of the trails have stops for gas. I just live a couple miles from the bear wallow (Logan) trail and I would love to see the blaze on the trails in person. If you dont mind, let me know when you will be coming down, I would like to stop by and check it out and maybe tag along if you don't mind. If not I would still like to check out the blaze. My dealer has ordered a blaze 3 different times and they keep sending him moto's which are really hard to move off of the showroom floor in this area. If you have any more questions about the trail just let me know, I will do what I can to help you.


Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 4:34 pm
by 86atc250r
Ben, we raced the 12hrs of America last month.

At race pace, we burned anywhere from around 1 to 1.5 gal/hour with our Moto (depending on who was riding).

Fuel consumption is going to vary heavily on terrain and how you ride. If you spend lots of time in the upper RPMs, fuel consumption will be fairly high.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 4:56 pm
by JeffQuadShop
I've been using 1/2 tank in a 1.5 hour XC. Thats race pace tho! It does better on gas than my R!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 5:32 pm
by mountainman10
Ben, I wasn't thinking about the coal river trail head when I said that all of the trail heads have gas stations. I know there is one near the trail, but I dont know if there is access from the trail to it. I would suggest bringing a can of gas just in case there is not access. I will plan on making the ride on Saturday. I have been dying to get the c-dale out one more time before I put it up for winter. The only way I will not go is if it is supposed to rain or be extremely cold. My dealer is M & J sales in Chapmanville 855-3122, if you need anything talk to Mike, he is a good guy and is very involved in the trail system and knows it very well. Let me know if you are definetly coming and what time we need to meet at the trailhead.


Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:43 pm
by Motoman440
Hey Ben, Mountainman10 and Taco,

You guys care if I join your ride on Saturday the 30th at the Coal River Trail Head??? I live in Nitro and I have been riding that area of trails for 3 years and know it like crazy including trails that are not marked for the Hatfield and McCoy set-Up!!!!! There is a 28 mile loop that I can take you on that is some of the best woods riding I've ever done!!!! You can do the loop in about an hour to an hour and a half and then hit some other trails!!! Balz Out Riding!!!! Let me know cause I'd love to ride with some other Cannondale guys!!! There used to be a place to get gas in Brushton (Fas Chek w/gas) but it burned down. Now there isn't anywhere so be sure and bring extra.


Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 12:07 am
by mountainman10
The fas check was the gas station I was talking about. I forgot about it burning down. We could just shoot across the 4 lane to the citgo station though. As far as I am concerned the more the merrier. I would like to see peoples faces when a group of c-dales fly by. I used to ride that area all of the time before the trail came through but I have not been over that way in a while. Somebody told me it changed a lot in the last couple years due to some new mines going in. I am just not sure what area it is going on in. Just name a time and I am there.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:06 pm
by Motoman440
Are any of you guys interested in Sunday the 24th??? Myself and 2 other guys are going either at the Coal River Trail Head or in Campbell's Creek area. If your interested let me know and I will respond on Saturday when I find out where these other guys want to ride.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 12:08 am
by Motoman440
Ben and Taco,

Sorry you guys can't make it tommorrow. Just in case you change your mind we are going to ride in Cambell's Creek. Everyone is going to meet at the Tudor's Biscuit place, which is at the mouth of Campbell's Creek, at 9:30 a.m. If you don't make it I'm up for either Saturday or Sunday next week!!! Looks like were going to have 6-8 sport quads tomorrow!!! I know a couple of these guys race quite a bit so it will be a fast ride!!!!!!!!!!! Try to make it if you can otherwise keep me posted on next weekend. See ya soon.


Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 9:03 pm
by Motoman440
Ben and Taco,
Be glad you didn't come on Sunday!!!:mad: The guy who was to lead the ride blew-up his engine first thing!!! Nobody else was familiar with Campbell's Creek so we ended up riding to a bunch of "nowhere trails". Not to mention the riding was mainly wide open roads, which I am not crazy about. If this is where you guys ride I can't wait to get you on the Hatfield and McCoy system.biggrin.gif Your going to love these trails. Anyway, let me know what your plans are. I'm good for Sunday the 30th and should have a couple of other guys as well.