Difference in headpipes?

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Difference in headpipes?

#1 Post by 54warrior »

I understand that the headpipes on the 02's and earlier are different than the 03's with the toaster silencer. Could someone post a picture that shows the difference

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#2 Post by Cannibal440 »

I don't know that there is much to see. The problem is that the diameter of the headpipe where it meets the muffler is different on the earlier bikes, when compared to the later ones with the toaster.

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#3 Post by Cannibal440 »

Also, several of the later 02 quads had the toaster---mine did!

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#4 Post by EricM »

I made a quick sketch in paint to help. If I had time I could have used CAD and made it look professional but hopefully the 5year old with a crayon version is good enough to show you what you are curious about. The older head pipe went 2 into 1 sooner and ends about 4inches before the silencer. The new head pipe is 2 for most of its length and it goes all the way into the silencer.

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#5 Post by fyrmedic »

wow.. good job, Eric.... mine looks just like the 02!!!
or looked like it.. till I got a full HMF system.
Problem is that my wife is wondering when she is going to be able to get the car back into the garage with all the old parts in there.biggrin.gif

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#6 Post by Jaybr »

I've got one of each in the garage, if you still need a pic I can snap one this weekend.

I like Eric's pic though, shows the difference pretty well

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#7 Post by 54warrior »

Thats exactly what I was looking for. Now, does anyone have the part # for the 02 headpipe, all I can find on the ATK site is the 03 stuff, Thanks Alot

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#8 Post by Jaybr »

I don't have the part number, but good luck finding a new 02. I'm pretty sure Cannondale stopped having them produced when they changed pipes in 03. Your best bet is to look for a used one or just get a full system.

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#9 Post by thomez »


But an inside source says not to do that just yet. Wait for a slip on.....


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