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Hand written ingravings inside Cannon motors???

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:55 am
by sledheaded
Hi, I once again found myself repairing my 03 Speed (I wrote a thread about 2 weeks ago detailing my bent shifter problem, and how my dealer repaired it and also GARUNTEED that the factory studs were in the motor, and he saw them himself while he had it apart). Guess what they werent, I was riding around my yard when I heard a stranger noise then usuall so I quickly shut if off and brought inside. Then pulled the clucth cover and clutch to inspect the studs or whatever was in there, what I found was no studs and a allen screw that backed up and hit the clutch basket a little, WHEW easy save. Anyway what I found more interesting is that behind the clutch basket was a number hand ingraved into the casing. It was 3904 I heard of other members finding numbers but cant recall them, so who here has saw numbers and does anyone know what they were for? I'll be posting soon on the progress of droping my motor to install a stud kit from quadsource in a few days. Sorry for the long thread.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:05 am
by OCR
May I make a recommendation? Go w the stage 8 kit... it also eliminates the trans cart bolts that also back out. I didnt do it the first time around, but will feel much better when the stage 8 is in there. Luckily you didnt have major damage. I have heard some bad things about T&C and you just reinforced those statements.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:09 am
by sledheaded
Where can I get the stage8 on short notice? TC is funny ever since the day they fixed it whenever I go in there their faces look like they seen a ghost. Last time I talked with the guy he said we only really sold Cannondales to some rich people who never rode them enough to have a problem, I guess he didnt relize I was an average guy who just had good credit and bad thinking when I bought mine.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:15 am
by OCR
Contact Haydug or JCV440, I think they both might have them in stock. Once you get the Stage 8 you shouldnt have to feel you made a bad decision. I would not trade mine for any other quad on the market right now.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:21 am
by sledheaded
Thanks I'll give them a pm

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:00 pm
by bknight
mine was 146 and on the back of the moto was ithink 1986

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:52 pm
T & C out of Sussex ? They've been okay sometimes....weird most of the time. Sales manager and mechanic run WNYOA. Good deals when they were dumping the quads though!

The only engraving on my blaze is on the front next to the VIN #.....says " Made in the USA". Charger 770 told me one day at Rausch that Maz claims that it denotes the '01 and '02 bikes that were returned to factory, updated to blaze or moto with re-ballanced cranks and sold as '03's.

Just story ? Any comments, I'm on my sixth oil change, no stud kit and running strong!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:43 pm
by sledheaded
Sounds interesting, I'd stud it if I were you eventhough its lasted, I seen mine for my own eyes and know they fall out. But I also do a lot of huge jumps maybe that contributes to it I dont know. Im just trying to make mine stay together since I'm now stuck with it.

Stage 8

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:31 am
by cannondale27
I can get you the Stage 8 and instructions on how to put it in.I ship priority mail and take paypal.I created the kit so I dont think anyone beats my price on stage8.PM me for details.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:31 am
by sledheaded
Big thanks to cannondale27 and haydug the stage8 is now in and my quads ready for more riding again. I also noticed while the engine was tore down that every major engine component as well as the frame all had hand scribed numbers on them, but a friend has a cannible we took apart at the same time and his had no scribes anywhere on it. Plus its snowing 6" on the ground and still falling so I'll be testing my Dale's snowmobility tomorrow.