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Tranny oil going into motor oil?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:44 am
by Bags
I have been losing all my tranny oil since I have fixed all the other problems. I drained all the engine oil and tranny oil last night. Filled it all back up this morning and went to practice in Bartow. I can notice that the tranny oil level in the sight glass keeps getting lower and lower until there is none left. I then pull the fenders and check the motor oil. It is over full and is tinted pink, like the Bel-Ray 90wt oil that is in the tranny. I drain a little motor oil out to where it is level on the stick and put almost a another quart into the tranny and ride for a little bit. This is when the chain pops and takes out my clutch and all. But again, the tranny oil is now missing and the engine oil is a bit higher. How is it getting into the engine oil. I have a race this weekend in Tampa, FL and will hate to have to pull this motor again. This thing is going to nickel and dime me broke. Guess I am to rough on it or something, just want to win! Can anyone help me out?


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:20 am
by Jaybr
It more than likely leaking around the cartridge plate. Did you have the cartridge plate out when you last had the motor apart? You probably have a twist in the x-ring gasket, that thing is a pain to get in strait.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 4:02 am
by Bags
NO...last time I had the engine apart was only to replace the plastic pump gears and take out the piece of metal that was lodged in the scavenge pump. Diamond racing put everything else inside the motor together and safety wired all the bolts in place.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:46 am
by Ryanstones
A bad seal on the scavenge pump would do it. Also, when i replaced my first scav., the new ones screws were Just a thread to long and the cover wasn't seating. Man, you must be one fast MotorDropper.