milky tranny oil

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#1 Post by NRath »

Have you been riding in any water? Or just dry track conditions? The most likely culprit is water coming in the vent hose that runs from the top of the sidecover down the left frame tube in front of the battery.

If that's not possible, what kind/color of coolant are you running? What tranny oil?

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#2 Post by thomez »


I just totally realized something which may make me a very happy person.

I noticed that I had milky tranny oil while I was home, thought it might be a gasket, a cam cover corrosion problem, a cracked sleeve.... I had it all thought out that it was a semi-serious problem.

I totally didn't think of the obvious, thank you Nrath!

I busted through some ice the day before, pretty much submerged the bike from a-arms back... :confused:

I bet that I just got some water in that hose! I didn't have time to change it out, I was flying back to school the next day, and didn't have time to fool with it. Now before I go changing parts and wondering what the heck is wrong, I'll just do an oil change and see if it happens further....

The only reason that this might not hold true for me is that I seemed to have lost coolant, but that could be another issue entirely.

My hypothesis is that I filled that hose with water, tranny was then "overfilled" and that is why it was dripping out the milky oil.

I need to do some investigation!

Thanks for the insight Nrath, the most obvious and least expensive never crossed my mind! :clap:

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#3 Post by NRath »

I'm guilty of thinking doom and gloom myself!! Only to find it was something simple.

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#4 Post by fyrmedic »

Thanx nrath, I too was thinking the worst, seems to always be that way!!
I got thinking about it, I don't ride in water, just sand and track. But last ride, I blew the rear shock seal, and I stood the quad up on the grab bar to squirt off the oil... must have blown water up the tube. I'll watch it, but I'm pretty sure that was it... thanx for helping me think simple and not the worst!!

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