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Plug fouling or other issues

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:35 pm
by floatingjimi
Before I get to taking the plug out of my speed, I tought I would run this before you guys to see if could be anything more serious.
The quad arrived with the battery a little low on juice but I managed to get it going and it ran for a couple of days and then stoped. Managed to bump/tow start it the folowing day and then a day later it was out of juice again. Tried to bump/tow again but no joy. Charges the battery up, but no joy, it is just turning over. Is it worth me going to check anything else out. I am taking this in good spirits as I have had a number of "little" hiccups already and only had it a week, spent more time on here then on the quad, but madly enough I can understand the fun of owning something as unique, cause when it goes..........................

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:46 pm
by cdrookie
does the injectore pressurize when you hit the start button? while you're waiting for some responses, check the plug. glad to see you're keeping a positive attitude. :clap:

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:48 pm
by Happyboy
D&M kit?

You really need to know what the battery is like. If the battery is bad then you will keep having these issues. Your real question needs to be is the charging system working. I would guess your battery is just on its last leg. You can put a tender on there and see if it will hold a charge. Best way to know for sure is hook the DM kit up and see the volts your charging system is putting out.

One other item, you may have a drain on your battery. Like the fuel pump always running or your key switch being left on. Check for those if you determine your battery is good.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:55 pm
by floatingjimi
many thanks guys,
I was just asking the question as to the worth of a D&M kit on cannondalers adn had a positive reply but I think now sems a good time as any, re the charge, do you think 30 mins ride may be sufficient to boost it back up as that is all it has been having till I am happy with everything on it. I will see tommorrow if it is still turning over re holding the charge.
Hey I ran an old beetle and a crap british mg metro so I am used to finding out how things work, just thought it would be a bit later, ho- hum!!

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:35 pm
by NRath
You don't need D&M to diagnose a questionable battery, a voltmeter will do just fine. Preferably digital. Not running, the battery should be about 12.50v or higher. If it's under that, you know it's weak, but as long as it's over about 12 and the quad has no other problems, it should start and run with no problem. Once it's running, a normal charging system will be at about 13.5-14.5 volts. At idle, it'll probably be the low side of that, off idle, it'll come on up.

D&M is definitely a good investment!!! I'd say to buy it before buying a pipe.

If your cranking with decent voltage and not starting, I'd replace the plug. Note the color before you throw it away so you know if it's rich- usually is. Then you know to make adjustments with the D&M when you get it.

You need to put the battery on a charger

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:37 pm
by Ryanstones
then check to see what voltage it is holding. Short, low RPM rides will NOT charge the battery.

Change the plug! Follow and tighten all battery cables.

Once you get the little bugs worked out you'll be ripping. Most 'dales are very reliable.:clap:

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:41 pm
by floatingjimi
Many thanks guys,
hopefuly I will not need to follow this up, re the bugs, well if wasn't for the bugs it would be german!

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:38 pm
the best way to check a battery is to hook it up to a load tester. many times people will have me order new parts for them that arent the cause of the problem. many times a 'bad' battery will actually show voltage, and show that a 'charge' is taking place while the machine is running, but when you hook a load tester up to it, the battery goes flat. a load tester will simulate you cranking on the starter when the battery has to give out the most amperage.

as far as your sparkplug goes, if your questioning it, CHANGE IT!! it never hurst to see what it looks like that way you can see if there may be a problem with fuel air ratio, thus pointing out other issues.

i know it sounds like a headache, but cannondales require more maintenence that other machines, but its well worth it in the long run. you'll be happy with your machine:head:

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:17 pm
by floatingjimi
Plug changed, new CR8E in, I'm flying>>>> thanks again