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The Dale Just Dies NEED ADVICE!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:40 pm
by DMAC10
Early 2002 Cannibal with cable clutch.

O.K. I'm ready to get the dale back up and running, haven't had a chance to ride for 2 months,had the trouble then but didn't have time to work on it, but now its time to get back on it.

Same old problem as before. Quad fires up and runs good for about 10 minutes and then will just die( just like you pulled the kill switch) it will start right back up and run for a little while and then do it again.

I've changed computers, new fuel pump, relocated the fuel pump, I checked all the battery connections and the ground to the frame. Everything is tight. I checked the coolant flow, its fine all the hoses are getting hot, checked the coolant pump impeller, good condition, blead the coolant system, so no air pocket.

So anyone got any ideas?????????

My next thing is to get a new coolant sensor??

The quad runs great but just dies, whether your on the gas or not. Now that the weather is hot it doesn't take long for it to shut down, its as if the quad is geting hot, if I loosen the coolant cap, the overflow bottle fills up to the top but doesn't boil over.

I'm wanting to run the MX National at Loretta Lynn's in August, but if this trouble doesn't get resolved soon its time to retire and sell out.

Any suggsestions would be appreceated. Make a list and I'll check it all, but just help me get this thing back on the track SOON.:eek:

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:05 pm
by KYmxracer52
I don't know that much about it, but I guess I'd check the coolant sensor first.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:24 pm
by cdrookie
might be a vapor lock problem. either the hose in the tank is getting hot from the exhaust or the fuel lines running above the engine are getting too hot. might try to reroute them off to the side of the engine.

my bike has boiled over on more than one occasion, raced it with a packed full of mud radiator on more than one occasion, and rode it for 5 hours a few weeks ago with the fan not working. the rad fluid was boiling so bad you could feel it through the handlebars when you shut it off. and never has the ecu shut down because of it. dernos is the same way. steam will be flying out from under the plastic but it's still running.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:36 pm
by cannondale27
Do you have the D&M?Sounds to me like as soon as motor gets up to temp it dies that could be caused by something as simple as too low of a idle.When you first start it the Idle air control is activated.Once it warms up the idle is soley controlled by the screw setting.
A good way to check your coolant temp sensor if you dont have a ohm meter is when motor is cold start it up notice idle disconnect temp sensor while running idle should change this checks both sensor and Idle air control valve.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:23 am
by Brad77
Hey, will the cannondale suffer from negative gas tank pressure due to vent line failure? Like if the vent line gets clogged. I know that on a gravity fed carb unit it will shut off after a little while.

Anyway, just a thought.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:12 pm
by cannondale27
It could I bet.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:16 pm
by DMAC10
Thanks for all the responses.

1. My fuel lines are wrapped with high temp insulation, so I don't think they are getting to hot.

2. Cannondale27 If I understand you correct, my idle may be to low, so I need to turn it up, I did have trouble with the idle due to a programing error. I'll adjust it and see. Do I need to let the quad warm up and then adjust the idle??? Also if I understood you, to check my sensor, start the quad and then unplug the coolant sensor and my idle should change, if it does, is this good or bad??

3. Question, How hot should my radiator hoses get, both of mine were very hot to the touch, when it shut off.

I'll do some more checking tonight.

Thanks again to everyone who offered advice. This forum is one reason that I haven't sold out. The people on here are a very cool bunch of guys.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:49 pm
by haydug
Do you have the d&m kit? If not, find a computer to get it plugged into.
When it's hot, what does the engine temp. read? compare to your stepper position.
Also, does it read a fault at time of shutdown?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:13 pm
by dalewannbe
I like the vapor locking idea, make sure the fuel lines are as far away from the motor as possible, but make sure they are not kinked at all.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:14 pm
by KYmxracer52
My quad shut off one day b/c the gas cap vent line was pinched shut. I pulled it around and wiggled it and it ran fine then. I bought one of those shorty vent lines. Seems to work much better and it doesn't get pinched.