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Who Do You Trust

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:51 pm
by Jaybr
With the latest discussion in the HDC vs WWE 450 thread, I thought a poll might be in order.

THis is not a which parts are better poll. We all know parts break and people make mistakes, it's how those mistakes and breakages are handled that make the most difference to me.

I'm interested in which motor builders you trust to be honest and do a decent job on your motor. Mutlitple selections are permitted.

Again, this is not about parts or kits used, there are builders I trust but would not use becuase of the kits they currently offer.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:39 pm
by TheJaspMan
I have had some limited use of any of these vendors. And I have not yet had to have any engine work done. But I will say that a couple of the names do not give me a warm fuzzy feeling based on word of mouth alone. Too many people having the same issues. Sometimes reasons/excuses are given. Other times not. But a lot of the issues sound like a broken record.

Ordering and part delivery comes directly into play. I have had a couple of great experiences buying stuff. Those vendors get repeat business from me. The others got their shot and blew it. Parts are not that tough to get yet. And price is not always the issue.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:40 pm
by Jaybr
I like polls because they are anonymous, some people won't post anything but will vote on a poll.

Do we also need a "who do you NOT trust" poll?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:44 pm
by TheJaspMan

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:47 pm
by Derno24
Jay this is a good idea, but could easily start a war over something silly.

I would have to say if I had to pick as my life depended on it. It would be Doug, R&S, and possibly Maz. I have had the chance to speak to all these builders and could say that if the sh*T hit the fan these guys would stand behind their work.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:47 pm
by cannondale27
Ouch Jay you are tough!I have met alot of these people and I honestly like everysingle one of them.But if money,time and a good business ethic are the factors of defining trust which I do not believe.There are quite a few who have problems.I aint going there:p but I did vote.How is that for a cop out?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:53 pm
by cdalemx301
I vote HAydug havent had my motor built but with ordering parts hands down Haydug is better then Maz in my eyes....I will never order from Maz again unless in Dier need of parts....Haydug has excellant service and went out of his way to fix a mistake for me Thanks Haydug..

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:00 pm
by Jaybr
Originally posted by cannondale27
How is that for a cop out?

That's why its a poll:)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:14 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
I'd have to definately say Scott at champion, they have built my motors since hte beginning and has always been there on the phone to answer and help out to the best of his ability and to congratulate me.. and not to mention he is a **** of a good guy..

steve maslanik has alwyas been there for me and many other people in many many ways.. from tearin my motor apart at budds to gettin it running 4 monhts later:p

Haydug is always there and ready to send you out whateve ryou need in ajiffy, which sure as **** is great! especially for stuff for the yammy when i hate dealing with those stupid yamaha guys with attitudes..

R&S has been there since the beginning, kyle has helped me out a few times, but i don't even know where they are now..

one thing i don't like about atk is the shipping and ordering ways..takes too long and the parts haven't always been the right ones..i will give them more time before jumping down their back though

oh and can't forget Big winky, he has helped me 300000s of times..

now onto the motors...
i'd trust Champion anyday with anything, as long as they have WWE's new stuff in there..
ATK i am unsure about...not really sure what parts they are using n who is building it
Diamond has some great idea's..if i were going to race the dale next season it would be going to winky for the oiling and new crankshaft updated versions...
Haydug seems to have some great running kits...wouldn't hesitate to send it there either
maz doesn't particuarly build the motors yet, but he supplies the parts for scott to build them, and that relationship is a great one..:head: :drink:

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:59 pm
by kdeal
I have limited dealings with most of the people in the poll, but Haydug is the man, and I trust him. (except when he hits the WV shine) J/K Doug. I don't think I would trust certain others due to word of mouth from the customers themselves. I have seen Doug eat more than one engine job because of bad parts. I have been there as a shop owner and it sucks. Doug, stood behind what he sold his customers, even though others should have stood behind him (parts rebuilders / suppliers) & did not. I don't know what Doug's finances are like, but even at dealer cost on parts, it can be expensive. If any of the rest of you have had similar experiences with the other builders in this fashion, I for one, would love to hear about it. If you are one of the builders and haven't stood behind your parts or engines, be aware, you will not see any of my $.