another starting problem

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#21 Post by 61austin »

Did you turn the idle up any?

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#22 Post by c41xracer »

yep didnt help

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#23 Post by USAMoto00 »

quick connects all the way together? 2 wiires on the clutch completely connected?(safety switch) 2 wires on the little module on the side of the battery broken or sliced? sounds electrical or major motor issue.:confused:

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#24 Post by c41xracer »

i think its either the stator or tps or the other sensor on the throttle body.

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#25 Post by cdalemx301 »

you said in your other post this happened right after you replaced your airhorn in the air box right? Did you make sure the boot on the throttle body is on all the way...i had that happen once and the bike wouldnt start because it wasnt sealed all the way i thought it was good enough but it wasnt far enough on

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#26 Post by 61austin »

You might try turning up the idle a little more. If the throttle bypass isn't working then you can open the throttle enough to get it to start by turning up the idle. If it sounds like it is about to start you might try pushing the throttle a little. Just take up the slack in the cable and push the lever about 2mm farther, the same way the old fx400s had to be started. This may or may not foul the plug but I would be willing to sacrifice a plug to hear it run.

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#27 Post by c41xracer »

i took the bypass out and now its trying to start but still not starting

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#28 Post by c41xracer »

and the culprite was.........................................throttle bypass valve!Now it starts, just need a new valve

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#29 Post by USAMoto00 »

:clap: At least the problem is now solved. Now get back to riding! lol:usa

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#30 Post by c41xracer »

i wish i could go riding, i need a truck grrrrrrrr, i hate divorces:mad:

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