A trip to the scrap yard

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#11 Post by wistech »

Now I know your lying .Those scrap metal guys a ruthless. :deal:

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#12 Post by cannondale27 »

Yea they all are scary.Never let you get away with even a speck of oil in there.Those magnesium valve covers could burn the whole scrapyard down.Man you cant just unload those on some unsuspecting scrapyard!I would just bury them in the woods.

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#13 Post by azcannon »

I think you should have had to pay them to take them , cannondales are cursed you know.

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#14 Post by yamadjs08 »

You cant lie worth of $hit! tongue.gif

Seriously though, are those all out of quads or did you buy all of those from someone? Im confused, but you are a horrible lier...

You wanna sell me one real cheap like?:deal: Aha:drink:

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#15 Post by cdalerider75 »

Are you selling a motor... or something?

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#16 Post by cdalemx301 »

what is going on here? is he sellin cheap motors? i wanna pick up a spare if he is im so lost

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#17 Post by Canniboomer »

... let the bidding begin! is the truck included? biggrin.gif

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

I think he is making a point in a roundabout way.Too much talk about problems hurts the people who are trying to make a living selling Cannondales especially when the parts to do fixes cant be had.I know the situation will be better.Timbo for one has devoted his machine shop full time just working on Cannondales.We need to stick with it and help Haydug and everyone else who is waiting make it through the wait.Or consider using stock parts to satisfy the riding itch.

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#19 Post by rubicon20032003 »

I think what kills their sales and people buying.Is that they own a company.But they have poor return emails on people wanting to buy and get work done.They kinda disgcouge new cannondale riders out of their dales and problems.I contacted two about getting motor work done and rough price on package wanted.Never heard back in weeks

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#20 Post by twisted »

I could use a spare motor, hook me up!

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