What is better... piston or stroker crank

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#21 Post by tat »

I wish Tim and some others would jump in here and throw some advice out. Dynos are good but I would like to know personal experience on these motors.

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#22 Post by cannondale27 »

L.O.L. Yes I can take my stroker put it in 2nd gear and without touching the gas just slipping the clutch take off!!!Thats with 15-39 gearing and 18in tires.No way a stock stroke can do that.

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#23 Post by cannondale27 »

Tat.Tim would tell you to go with a stroker crank and stock piston and liner.With porting as bonus.Most bang for the buck.You can take that as a quote.

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#24 Post by tat »

The several times I have spoken to Tim we have discussed both options. I have plenty of time to decide, but Im leaning towards the stock crank option. I just think it would better suit my needs. I want to be able to use the full potential of the motor. I rode a lagaer LT500 for several years and thats all I did with it, just lug it around. The motor was a little much for just about every track I went to. As far as MX is concearned. I think the stock crank and big-bore would be my best option.

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#25 Post by cannondale27 »

If you run SX tracks I would think that would be a excellent choice.Most big outdoor tracks like Redbud etc. stroker power is able to be controlled/used.TT also.

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#26 Post by tat »

Theres where I have to split my options. Some of the national tracks I run the stroker motor would be controlable but the other half it could not. So there is where I have to decide which way to go. Decisions-decisions. This is a pain in the butt. To many options are open now.

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#27 Post by wistech »

We need to get one of those 450 bore/ported engines on the dyno and settle this. Id really like to see the torque curve. Ive built both engines in question and I cant really tell the difference .They both wanted to pull my arms off. You guys are getting so spoiled nowadays. Someday I to will have a one of my own.

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#28 Post by GDITheman »

i used to ride crotch rockets in my teens and early twenties. mid twenties i bought my first harley which was modded out a bit and has some yank. since then i have been addicted to torque. the torque makes me a "lazy" rider. i let the engine do the work and i don't pay attention to keeping the revs in the powerband. that's why i had the dale bored and stroked. the stroke makes such a HUGE usable difference. the tld pred i rode this weekend had to be kept up in the revs to notice any power at all. ****, when it was reving to the moon, it fealt just like riding a z400.

having the torque is key. that's why i like 502 big blocks and such.

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#29 Post by wistech »

I just talked to friend of mine who switched from a 450 piston to a 450 stroked motor and he said it was night and day. The stroker has more everything . It used the same head porting on both .

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#30 Post by Happyboy »

We are going to have a wiseco 450 w/ stroker going this weekend. We will be up at the dunes in 3 weeks and get both it and my falicon dynoed and see how they compare. Both have Timbo port job as well. smile.gif Can't wait!

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