Hurricane Katrina

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#21 Post by jwheat »

If any of you go to any other forum websites......please post a link to this and ask for their help.

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#22 Post by jwheat »

Thanks for the help Chris!

Brad Oakley
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#23 Post by Brad Oakley »

It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Salt Lake. I'm running around on errands - thinking about things like valve shims, exhaust systems, my boy's upcoming birthday, and getting home in time for dinner. The radio's on - and I'm listening to reports on the devastation left in the path of Katrina - and I realize how blessed I am to be able to be able to spend my time thinking about things like upcoming birthdays, and that I have a house to go home to!

When things like this happen, it is always my desire - as I am sure it is yours - to help. However, I've always had a problem just making a donation to some large, impersonal organization, since you never really know where that donation will end up.

For that reason, I want to take this opportunity to thank Jimbo. He's a great person to be willing to reach out and help his fellow man at a time like this. I've Paypal'd him something to help - and you know what? I FEEL GREAT!!! I'm helping! My donation isn't disappearing into the bowels of some enormous charity machine. It's gone right to the front lines where it can help people directly. So, if you want to feel great too, do something to help Jimbo!!

And, like I told you in my PM, Jim; I know that the need isn't going to go away in a day or two. So, if there is anything else I can do to assist please let me (and all of us) know.

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#24 Post by jwheat »

Thanks Brad! You are a great help! I've been talking with local churches today and I will post some more tonight about what supplies they are asking for. I know alot of people are already donating to such charities as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army and that is absolutely wonderful.....but those donations rarely, if ever, make it to the small local churches and community centers that are housing and feeding thousands of people collectively. There are alot of supplies that are needed besides food and water also that just help a man or woman try and keep his dignity. People have been days without baths or showers, brushing their teeth, puting on clean clothes, etc........ Everyone should try and remember that these are people just like you and me that go to work everyday, spend time with their families, and try and have nice things for their families. They now have no place to go home to and no job to work at so that they can earn money to rebuild and replace what they had. Most of them are like me and would normally refuseany type of hand-out or charity.......but now, they simply don't have a choice.

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#25 Post by Jaybr »

Jwheat, how are the roads and gas supplies in MS?

I've got a freind that is a pastor of a small church in Laurel, I'd like to load up the truck and trailer and carry a load down to him, but I have no idea if I would be able to get there and get gas to get home.

The company I work for already donated $1,000,000 to the red cross, and they'll match 100% anything the employees donate. I'd send you a paypal, but I have to donate to a registered charity to get the match.

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#26 Post by bombsquad54 »

today, our warehouse at walmart, raised $10,000, keep in mind there is 300 of us. Walmart has afficially donated 16 million dollars to the people down there, for once i am dang proud! give me a call if you need genorators, i have a honda shop here in my town that may donate a few or discount them, let me know. 479-544-8570

just called, if someone needs a genorator i can get $150-200 off if you go through me.

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Costco run...

#27 Post by badvox »


The wife and I are going to make a Costco run Saturday. We will ship the stuff to the business address you provided.

We plan on getting toothbrushes, toothpaste, deoderant, purell hand wash, and the like. I remember when we were sending these care packages to marines we were like oh yeah right the basics...

Im glad you posted the list of basics as sometimes those necessities are overlooked.

I am so glad I lurk this forum!!


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#28 Post by jwheat »

Thanks for the help Ben!

Jay....If you want to come down with a load of stuff designated for Laurel, MS.....I will personally escort you down there and help you deliver it. I completely understand what you're saying about a registered charity. I'm not a registered charity....just one man trying to do what I can for people in my area.

As far as the gas situation.....the lines are 2-6 hours long and hit or miss about getting it. If you want to come down with a load of supplies....I'll be sure you have gas to refill your tank. Just let me know in advance.

People...please understand! If you can't donate or help through me.....then donate and help through charities of your choice. I don't care how it gets here...just as long as it gets here! If you think it's bad on the should come and spend a little time with someone in one of the shelters here in Jackson, MS! Their stories and situations will break your heart! These people are in a hopeless situation and just need help to get back on their feet. They are not looking for welfare....just a helpig hand!

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#29 Post by jwheat »

Guys about sending a link to this thread to everyone on your buddy list and ask that they do the same. That would get the word out to alot of people very quickly.

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#30 Post by jwheat »

I talked to people at Christ United Methodist Church this morning and they mentioned some supplies that I haven't thought of before. They mentioned toys and movies for children. These people are stuck in shelters with children that have nothing to do. And I know for a fact, as any of you that have young children, they need something to keep these children occupied. So if you have old movies(vhs or dvd) or toys that your children no longer play with....please send them. Paperback books and children's books would be great. I know these things don't sound like necessities, but imagine sitting in a shelter with no where to go and nothing to do all day. We need packs of baby pacifiers and sippie cups. Crayons and coloring books.

By the way Christ United Methodist Church is a very large church here in Jackson that is a distrubution center for alot of the churches from here in Jackson, MS all the way down to the coast.

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