Make this your website!!

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Make this your website!!

#1 Post by haydug »

OK, since some people do not like the way I run this site, I guess we have a couple of choices. This site cost money to keep up with everymonth. I do not see very many people willing to jump right in and pay the bills.
SO:: option 1: I will set up a paypal account strictly for this site, you guys make donations, which it turn pays the monthly bills, when it doesn't get paid, the lights go off.

Option 2: someone buy me out, and run the thing like you want it ran.

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#2 Post by Happyboy »

I personally only see one area that many people have a problem with. Custom parts. Many people have stepped up and made or had made cool new parts for the community. This ranges from your Falicon Cranks and JE pistons to my tophat washers to new decal kits. One of the problems with this is how some of the smaller outside vendors need to sell these items.

They don't want to go through a middle man so to speak rather they would rather deal with the customers direct because of the small profit margins with our (cannondale) products. For example, I was very dissappointed when PC Products came on here ready to make products for us and they got shot down because they didn't go through the proper channels to begin with. So, we lost more products that would have helped the Dale's image.

You are right on when you say its your site and any vendor that comes on here needs to talk with you at the minimum. But, when people do step out of line is it necessary to wop them on the head immediately or maybe get in touch with them first? I really think that is what the problem with Chainsaw came down to. Just the lines of communication. If my post gets moved then I would expect a note explaining why before it ever got moved. I think you would expect the same in return.

I hope people don't take this post the wrong way, it is meant in a strinctly constructive manner. I like the site, many of the people, and would hate to see it lost due to a misunderstanding.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

In all fairness to Doug he has given us a FREE site and doesn't have the 80 site sponsors such as other sites. Look around at how many sponsors are on any other site. We have a small community and have had it very free and good. If Doug is asking for you to donate some money for listing anything I don't think that is unfair at all. This site is just like a phone if you are using it to reach other people you need to pay for that connection.

Like Doug said buy it from him if you don't like it. As for the post that got deleted these rules have been in place for a long time and common sense shoul dictate that you contact the owner of the site befoe offering any group buy. Call me crazy, but would you walk up to a billboard and put your stuff all over someone elses ad?

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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

Maybe make this a pay site for posting priviledges?Anyone who comes up with a idea or new product should be able to post it without worrying about stepping on someones toes though especially if they are going to pay to post.I cant really think of any situation where somebody came up with a idea or product and didnt end up cutting the sponsors in eventually.It makes sense since the sponsors are the businesses and that is their job.Most of the rest of us dont have time or energy to sell things on a long term basis.As far as getting the ball rolling for starting up a product the person who comes up with idea and goes through work of establishing it should get a pat on back and initial sales for sure.Now in this situation there already is a route to get headlight deletes since I know Jay got it done.All it would have taken is a post such as Wanted Black Deletes and then if nothing could be found by sponsors go for it.

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#5 Post by CHAINSAW »

How much are you spending on this site a month? If your having trouble paying the bills, have you shopped around and looked at other options?? I know that there are some killer deals out there, and some you gotta hunt for sometimes.
for instance
How much bandwidth does this site use a month? How much disc space are you alloted per month, and do you need more? What are you paying now, so if others know of a better deal we can share some info. I know back when I designed websites, a lot of people would just use whoever they found first in a search. Most of the time, they were over paying by hundreds per year, and some just werent interested in switching to a cheaper service or thought they might get screwed in the long run.

Setting up a paypal account for donations is super easy, and you would be surprised at how people will donate if they like what they see. Adding incentives helps with some, even if its as small as a bumper sticker, or something along that line. Shirts and hats can end up being very expensive very fast, but something cheaper like a $25 donation gets you a bumper sticker, would be enough to get some to donate that.

Thats just some ideas Ive learned from having, and making websites for almost 10 years.

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#6 Post by cannondale27 »

One thing that definitly needs to be changed is the location of the Donate button you have to scroll way over to even see it.Should be way more prominent.

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Just so everyone knows the donate button is located on the home page on the right hand side. This goes directly to Doug.

One other thing I think should be noted I do not know of any site with sponsors that would allow much of what goes on here. I agree that is what makes this site special and sometimes a little leg work on your own in the beginning of a project goes a long way.

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#8 Post by tat »

Anybody building custom parts and selling them on here should donate to the site. The sponsors already donate so they would be excempt from this if they had a custom part. I personally will donate $15.00 to $20.00 for every 3rd custom piece I sell. All other users should try and donate a little something every month, whether its a $1.00 or $1000.00, every bit helps. I think we should look around for a cheaper service also.

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#9 Post by haydug »

Look, this isn't 100% about money, I have paid for this site for 2+ years, with the first year coming directly out of my pocket, and also what I paid for this site. If this were a business venture, I would have lost my a**. I bought this site when they went bankrupt, to keep it from getting lost. Just so you know, if I hadn't bought it, you would now be limited to the "dale/atk" forum on exriders, dealing with the kid punks who really don't know anything, but are quick to point out there sister's boyfreind's bike looks better than your's. I have tried to limit the stupidness on this site, the best way I see fit. If you have a problem with your bike, post your problem and we as a team can and will fix it.
Now, for the custom parts. I like the PC products as much as anyone. However, with that said, I'm sure PC doesn't only deal with the consumer. Don't they have dealers? Sure they do. So, is it fair to their dealers for them to offer something around them?? Sure it is not.
If they would have simply sent me or someone an email, saying they were interested, I would have been happy to make some announcement, let them sell, do whatever, maybe even has gotten myself setup as a dealer, and started selling more of their product. Perfect example recently: Rated-X motorsports. Eric is a super nice guy. I'm glad to have gotten to know him. He makes a great product for a bike that most companies have long turned their back on. Alot of people expressed alot of interest in his arms, so he made a batch of them, only to have them sitting on his shelf now, so you guys can haggle over dumbass balljoints or other things with stock parts that were built inadequet(however you spell it) to begin with. Why keep replacing stock balljoints every 3-4 rides when you can just buy a better arm with parts ready available. Me and Eric talked about it, I ran a special to move his product, and only 1 member jumped on that chance.
By the way: Thanks Eric for supporting the dales, and I will be first on the list for a swingarm when they are finished.

I know that members on this site do all sorts of services, powdercoat on the side, rebuild engines on the side, some even slip-up and offer clutch kits on the side (LOL!!). I also know that they think they are sneaky and do not donate a dime to this site. Hmmm, fair?? Would they be getting that work withouth this site? Chris Dembek would make a good example (sorry chris) but he thought I was after him for some reason, then, after waiting on the "R" conversion kit for way to long, he decided to try it on his own. He asked me about it, and he posted what he was trying to do. Now, after being met with 2 maybes, 2 "I'll wait and steal your idea laters" and 2 "R kits are dumb" responses, he has said the heck with it. That sucks too, I wanted a plastic tank on my 3 conversion bikes.
With that said, and me being in the retail industry, I visit all kinds of websites, and I am very careful to NOT step on another site sponsors toes. I just sent a pm a couple of weeks ago to the admin of daler, asking permissin to post a link to the jwheat thread on this forum, because of the members support for the disaster down south.
Why did I ask permission, because Brian owns that site, and has RULES. He had no problem with it, but, it sure was easier to ask than just post it, and make it kinda look like I was trying to draw his members to my site.
As for shopping around for this site, I guess I'm happy where it is hosted right now, alitte expensive, but, pretty much worry free. However, if someone wants to step up, and buy it, they can host it where-ever they feel the need. Do I want to sell it, NO, Will I sell it, YES. Will donations be appreciated. **** YES. Will they become mandatory as long as I own it, **** NO.

Thank you all, and have a good day.

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I sure wish you would do a sponsors thing

#10 Post by azcannon »

I guess I dont ever pay for nothing when I don't get something. If you would make a sponsors badge I know myself and others would by the badge to show support and I would pay good money for it if I thought it was making a difference, also I don't think a 1% fee on all the for sale items are unreasonable I am posting a couple of things tonite and going to donate 5 % of the sale to the site.

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