Hurricane we go again!

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Hurricane we go again!

#1 Post by kdeal »

Wish me luck guys, I will be going through Hurricane number 4 tonight and tomorrow morning. This is starting to get old real quick. I have actually boarded up everything this time, as this Hurricane at one point 4-5 days ago was the most severe every recorded! Thank God, Mexico took a piece of it for almost 2 days, and the winds are down to only 110mph now. ******, send me a raft! I'll be the one holding the :usa up out of the water.

Sorry for the rant, this one has me a little worried......


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#2 Post by cannondale27 »

Hang in there Kdeal.You need to move up here in the summer.This season has been crazy for all you on the gulf.

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#3 Post by kdeal »

I've been pretty lucky damage wise. It's just the quantity that sucks. We are still a whole lot luckier than Louisiana & Mississippi. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, except maybe.......


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#4 Post by wanablaze »

Load up the truck and come on up! Bring the cdale.

Good luck holding down the fort...

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

Papa hold on I'm coming to save ya!!!!smile.gif

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#6 Post by kdeal »

Well guys, it looks pretty bad. It is going to hit us pretty much head on with 125mph winds. The power is flickering and the wind is howling as I write this. I'll try to get word out afterwards to someone.


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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Hold on Kdeal!!!!

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#8 Post by cannondale27 »

Man thats got to be scary.Knowing Kdeal he is prepared as best as can be though.Will be thinking of you for sure all day today.

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Update by phone

#9 Post by speed2424 »

Ken called me at 8:00 this morning. So far he has seen his metal shed that "was" housing his mowers & yard equipment go flying up over his chain link fence and out of sight. The door to the garage that his dales are in is bowing in from the high winds. He saw a break in the winds, so he got off the phone to try to reinforce the door before it gives away. He thought he was in the "eye" of the storm at that time. GOOD LUCK, KEN!

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#10 Post by badvox »

Looks like my companies headquarters was closed due to the hurricane. We were just informed via e-mail. Not told the extent of damage but have activated there emergency business plan and had to switch to backup servers out of state.

Good luck kdeal hope you are pulling through ok.


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