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#61 Post by cannondale27 »

No no time.One goal of mine is to read the entire bible sometime then read other versions.I am convinced the Bible made Jesus out to be more God like than he actually was.He was here in human form so he did eat,sleep,and everything else including possibly being in love with a woman.I understand why none of those were even mentioned along with his early childhood.But maybe it was a mistake since most true believers could or should be able to understand that he could be both.Therefore by not mentioning such I feel the writers or compilers didnt think we could handle that.Therefore I dont trust them.

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#62 Post by Happyboy »

I agree 27....

Now, I had an interesting conversation come up today.


Should or shouldn't you pay a tithe? I have seen a rebutle for almost every passage in the bible that says you should. Most reasons why are taken out of context or even said to mean one thing when another is meant.


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#63 Post by ozarkdaler »

In my opinion tithing goes two ways. It can be money or works. Because lets be honest there are people who have absolutely nothing to give but works. You should try to give something or it would be called being in your comfort zone lol. I may be wrong but I grew up Baptist so I will always think I am right lol...

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#64 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Jan 31 2007, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No no time.One goal of mine is to read the entire bible sometime then read other versions.I am convinced the Bible made Jesus out to be more God like than he actually was.He was here in human form so he did eat,sleep,and everything else including possibly being in love with a woman.I understand why none of those were even mentioned along with his early childhood.But maybe it was a mistake since most true believers could or should be able to understand that he could be both.Therefore by not mentioning such I feel the writers or compilers didnt think we could handle that.Therefore I dont trust them.


I appreciate your honesty. May I address some of your disbelief?

1. Bible writers make Jesus more into a God. The writers of the New Testament were "Eyewitness" to the events. All four of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were written within 75 years of Jesus death. God came to earth as a man, for a couple of reasons. One to redeem mankind, two to live as a Human, tempted by "sin" and experienced suffering, so that when we stand before God. We cannot say "Well you didn't sin, because your God, you don't know what it's like."

2. He was here in human form so he did eat,sleep,and everything else including possibly being in love with a woman. Yes, he did all that, as far as Love, he loves us all. If you are referencing Mary Magnaline as Jesus wife, that is pure baloney. No evidence, none, nada, etc. to support that claim anywhere in the Bible as well as Historically.

3. I understand why none of those were even mentioned along with his early childhood. Most of these are talked about, including his early childhood, where his family went to the temple and walked off without him. They came back to find him teaching in the temple. He replied in Luke 2:41-52 You do understand the in the Hebrew culture that the Priest had to meet an age requirement. 30 years old. So anything up to that age what he did was carpentry. Why do you think they left some things out?

4. But maybe it was a mistake since most true believers could or should be able to understand that he could be both. Jesus makes his claim to being God in several areas of the Gospels. The Apostles knew this as well. When Pilot questioned him he also made the claim. The Old Testament speaks of the Trinity and Jesus confirmed it. Please read Matthew 3:15-17

5. Therefore by not mentioning such I feel the writers or compilers didnt think we could handle that.Therefore I don't trust them. What would you expect to learn by Jesus going to work with his father for 20 years? They covered his life's from Birth to Death to resurrection. If you read a History book and they leave out details that are not relevant to the book, do you distrust the writers? The Apostles were "Eye witnesses to the events and died believing in Jesus and everything he did. Do you think anyone would die knowing that it was a Lie? I don't.

I am not posting this to show you I'm right or make you look bad. I would just like people to take an honest look at Jesus, and ask questions. It is the most important thing you will do.

Thanks for the input, I am learning alot by having to look up the areas that are being discussed. biggrin.gif


QUOTE (Happyboy @ Jan 31 2007, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree 27....

Now, I had an interesting conversation come up today.


Should or shouldn't you pay a tithe? I have seen a rebutle for almost every passage in the bible that says you should. Most reasons why are taken out of context or even said to mean one thing when another is meant.



Please read the responses to '27. Did you get a chance to find out what parts of the Bible we should take literally and which ones not to?

Tithing - Personally I tithe, I also give random offerings. God doesn't want your mad money. That means your mad you think you have to give it. You are under NO compulsion to give Biblically. God does love a cheerful giver, I give in thanks.

Gotta run, Men's Bible study Exodus. Lot's there I didn't know. Like the Jews didn't build the pyramids.


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#65 Post by aroracer72 »

Ive gotten into it a few times.....peacefully.........on this subject of god or no god.....and i always tell people ive got my own theory..the chad

Its a mix between evolution and a superior being.

Something had to put our universe here......its not explainable that it weas jsut always here...its like telling a scientist that humans have always just been here. They would go on to explain we evolved from primates and so fourth........

But then again.....what put that very first seed of life that evolved into everything else.

I bilieve there was soemthing or someone once upon a time with the power to bring to life one thing soo powerful that it would have the possibilities to do anything....but this being had to design/create it right.

And i bilieve this being then proceeded to successfully create one thing that over billions of years evolved and expanded into what there is today.

In my day our technology will bring us to the answer and it will be a combination of everything weve ever thought.

And god isnt just one eprson...hes everything.....hes allah..buddha....and any other significant being in religions. Just as there are more then one kind of insect..but all share the same principle..the same applies to God in my mind.

But in conclusion....i 100% bilieve in two things........there is/was a powerful person/spirit who started this all......and two......that there is soem form of afterlife....and how you act in this life determines how your afterlife is played out. Not neccessarily heaven or ****......but happy or miserable.

Because my thoughts are that afterlife brings absolute understanding and maturity of whats right and wrong....and then that proceeds to makre your afterlife nice or bad because your afterlife will reflect back on your lifes experiences.....

But those are some of my dont ahve to agree or like them..just sharing my mind.

J. Delaney
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#66 Post by J. Delaney »

What do you base your opinions on? You make a lot of good points.

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#67 Post by jwheat »

MAN!!!!! Y'all have been busy today while I was at work. I guess I'll get back into this discussion for the moment.

Smitty..... Yahweh was a god of war and volcanos and part of a pantheon of gods which included Baal,god of fertility and storms, and Asherah, the Mother goddess. These gods along with some others were worshipped
by the Phoenicians and the Canaanites. Baal was originally worshipped by the Israelites as the true God. The followers of Yahweh engaged in a conflict over time with followers of Baal to establish Yahweh as the one true God and Baal was basically demoted to a pagan god and then a demon. This is most likely where God vs. Satan came from since Baal is later referred to as a prince of demons and Yahweh's main enemy.

Why in the Pauline epistles does Paul not give a more detail account of Jesus? He speaks more of him as a supernatural personage only on Earth at an unspecified time in the past. For those of you who don't know, the Pauline epistles are the 13-14 letters written by the apostle Paul in the New Testament and are widely regarded as some of the earliest documents in the Christian religion.

Why are there such striking similarities between the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus and the birth and death and resurrection of Osiris-Horus in the Egyptian religion which occurred about 300 years before Jesus? It's awfully strange that Horus was born in Heliopolis which is referred to as the house of bread in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which in Hebrew means house of bread.

Isis in Egyptian mythology was commonly referred to as Meri, meaning beloved, and she was the mother of Horus. Mary was the mother of Jesus in Christian beliefs. Isis became pregnant by the "breath of life" which is roughly the same as the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Isis (Meri) was considered to be a virgin when she became pregnant as was Mary.

Why does Christianity have a mythology? I thought it was based entirely on fact, not myths. If you look up the words Christian Mythology it will give a whole lists of myths based on Christianity.

The birthdate for Jesus is actually considered to be the 6th of January. That just happens to be the same day the Egyptians say Osirus-Horus was born on and the day the Greeks say that the god Dionysus was born on.
The first "Christ mass" was officiated by Pope Sixtus III in 435 to overshadow the pagan celebration by the Romans of the birth of Mithras, the Persian sun god.

If one day to God is 1000 years to us and God created everything in 7 days, why does all known scientific (carbon-dated) evidence not place any human remains as old as prehistoric creatures. We can prove that dinosaurs and other animals live millions of years ago, but we can't place humans anywhere near that time. We can place dinosaurs back to 240 million years ago and we have dated the earth to 4.54 billion year old...... why does the Bible's time frame not match that.

Ok, that's enough for one night. We'll talk more tomorrow night.

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#68 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (aroracer72 @ Jan 31 2007, 03:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ive gotten into it a few times.....peacefully.........on this subject of god or no god.....and i always tell people I've got my own theory..the chad
Its a mix between evolution and a superior being.

Something had to put our universe here......its not explainable that it was just always here...its like telling a scientist that humans have always just been here. They would go on to explain we evolved from primates and so fourth........

But then again.....what put that very first seed of life that evolved into everything else.

I believe there was something or someone once upon a time with the power to bring to life one thing so powerful that it would have the possibilities to do anything....but this being had to design/create it right.

And i believe this being then proceeded to successfully create one thing that over billions of years evolved and expanded into what there is today.

In my day our technology will bring us to the answer and it will be a combination of everything we've ever thought.

And god inst just one person...hes everything.....hes Allah..Buddha....and any other significant being in religions. Just as there are more then one kind of insect..but all share the same principle..the same applies to God in my mind.
But in conclusion....i 100% believe in two things........there is/was a powerful person/spirit who started this all......and two......that there is some form of afterlife....and how you act in this life determines how your afterlife is played out. Not necessarily heaven or ****......but happy or miserable.

Because my thoughts are that afterlife brings absolute understanding and maturity of whats right and wrong....and then that proceeds to make your afterlife nice or bad because your afterlife will reflect back on your life's experiences.....

But those are some of my don't have to agree or like them..just sharing my mind.


Thanks for your thoughts. A lot of people have their own theories. The issue with some of your statements are that each of the people/gods you name have mutually exclusive personalities. So in effect you are saying that god is everything and everything is god. To clarify your position you might want to study up on the Christian God, allah, the muslim god, budda never claimed to be a god, demigod, or any other supernatural person. Just an enlighten human. He was a prince, husband, and father, who after escaping from the palace and throwing away his responsibilities, basically became a begger handing out some questionable advice. I have read the book "Buddah, the greatest man that ever lived." I would say my father is a better man than Buddah, due to the fact that he didn't shirk his responsibilities.

It would appear that your overall belief is an impersonal god that started the party and than walked off into the sunset to see how things turned out.

What is the purpose of an afterlife in your theory? What is the purpose of the pre-life?

Looking forward to your answers.


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#69 Post by timbomoose »

"Baal,god of fertility and storms"

You got it all wrong.Baal is a goa'ould on stargate.Same with Osirus. Get your stories strait! Just kidding and never mind me. Just enjoying reading. Everyone has good points. Who say's people can't discuss religion and personal beliefs with difference of opinions without mass chaos. Everyone can learn a little something and benefit from others opinions.The bible is written by man and inspired by God and also translated by man.Science is mostly theories.Carbon dating for instance can't be proved.No ones been around long enough to check its accuracy.History books are sometimes accurate and sometimes not.The only true way for complete knowledge is to actually live it 1st hand.This is a good post and I believe everyone is learning something from everyone else.I think most religions are a good thing just as long as its positive. Belief in God comes down to, its your own personal faith and what you are is how you live your life. Don't just settle with one answer, question everything and then make up your own mind.Thats how true knowledge is learned.There's almost never just one right answer.

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#70 Post by Psychosis »

I don't think I've sat down and read through a topic this long before. Lots of good points but I've said my part. Not much else to say.

Smitty's amazing me w/his knowledge of his faith and I really respect that there. Everyone has so many opinions it is quite fascinating. Real points and reasons rather than the usually "you're wrong and I'm right thing".

Keep going, it's getting pretty wild and interesting.

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