The Halls Of Destruction

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#131 Post by wistech »

Speaking of crashed trucks. Last night we were pulled off the trail to top off with fuel at a Citgo station. In drive these teens in a hopped up sonoma with a v8 in it and loud exhaust. They whip a couple donuts on the icey pavement and pull up to the pump. After throwing a couple gallons in the truck would hardly crank over (im guessing way to advanced timing) then after about 30 seconds it starts. The driver floors it does a couple more donuts and looses control,goes over a small snow bank and right into a very large rock or cement structure in the ditch. We were ROLF .
If I only had my camera with me. smile.gif

Im not saying jester drives like that .

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#132 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I wasn't even doing over 20-25 when the truck started to slide. There was no posted speed limit or anything, and it was cold enough to have ice on the road, so if you say I was driving liek a teenager so be it.

As far as people coming on here saying they don't think they want to get a dale because they always break. I laugh in thier faces! The only serious problem that wasn't my fault that I had was he decomp let go. If you think they break to much, don't buy one. Buy a TRX where the crank will go, or a yammie where the bolts back out, how bout a suzuki with corrosion and valve issues? Maybe it would be better to buy a 400ex, I havn't heard many problems with them, but don't bore it over a 426 because then it will start to overhear. People need to get a life and quit their bitching, every machine is going to break. These are race bikes, ask any racer (A class +) how often their motor gets gone through, and people want to run a race motor for 100+ hours. Go for it.

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#133 Post by wistech »

Well said and my post had nothing to do with you . On slick roads anything can happen. Regardless of who is driving.

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#134 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Originally posted by wistech
Well said and my post had nothing to do with you . On slick roads anything can happen. Regardless of who is driving.

I know, my post was directed at aeroracer.

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#135 Post by aroracer72 »

Yeah, and my post was humorous...was just messing with yah jest cause you were prolly harrassed enough by your parents already. But yeah winter throws wierd conditions at yah, and driving can be heck. Last night i was driving(in the **** blizzard of michigan). It was interesting but i was doing like 30/35 on a posted 55 main road and people were riding my butt then pass and i seen 4 ...thast ruight....4 of them lose control after passing me and go into the ditch, and one go off a 5 foot ledge and into some little trees. They were all alright cause i saw them outside there cars cussing and k,icking teh I was laughing pretty good.
But deffinately.....winter driving sucks....and i wasnt meaning anything by my post jester.

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#136 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Originally posted by aroracer72
Yeah, and my post was humorous...was just messing with yah jest cause you were prolly harrassed enough by your parents already. But yeah winter throws wierd conditions at yah, and driving can be heck. Last night i was driving(in the **** blizzard of michigan). It was interesting but i was doing like 30/35 on a posted 55 main road and people were riding my butt then pass and i seen 4 ...thast ruight....4 of them lose control after passing me and go into the ditch, and one go off a 5 foot ledge and into some little trees. They were all alright cause i saw them outside there cars cussing and k,icking teh I was laughing pretty good.
But deffinately.....winter driving sucks....and i wasnt meaning anything by my post jester.

I may have misunderstood, and that is veyr easy over the internet, it seemed liek you were ragging on me because I told the kid he shouldn't buy a dale cause they are unreliable. I am sorry. and no Hard feelings.

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#137 Post by ShifT714 »

Originally posted by theJeStEr1340
Then don't buy one! hahahaha, that means more for someone that will ride the thing like it was built for!

oo no, im not rullin a dale out just cause of this post, i know other quads break, believe me my sister bought a raptor that blew the trans and clutch out in 3 months(01) i just dont want to buy a dale and have it explode on me, but i will ride it like it was made to be ridden.

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#138 Post by Canniboomer »

...holy $#@%*&^%$#

seating of the wristpin clip? or wrist pin itself? or from tight sleeve clearance? I hope you can narrow down the cause for us, or post observations from inside -- that's a real downer for the owner. We grieve. :cry:

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#139 Post by Happyboy »

omg, he got lucky. That sucks, sorry for the bad luck.

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#140 Post by wistech »

Bummer , Looks like some of the tight millenium sleeves are still out there.

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