The Halls Of Destruction

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#181 Post by cannondale27 »

Originally posted by ******
You should listen to you're own advice 27. There have been many that tried here only for you and you're boys to bash. Its just too bad the ignore button doesn't work for  mods.

There is a difference in bashing and disagreeing.If I bashed anyone with a idea I shouldnt have.You are bashing with your sig and Avatar heading.

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#182 Post by wistech »

This is just nasty

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#183 Post by cannondale27 »

Hey thats enough with the Yamaha posts.I might not want to ride that either.Not!

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#184 Post by wistech »

Dont case to many jumps. I hope this guy didnt get hurt.
Dont worry steve only the red framed ones explode.

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#185 Post by twisted »

Ouch, ill post a pic of my cracked engine tommrow. All fixed thanks to brad

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#186 Post by wistech »

Im just getting started on the yamaha stuff but I'll see if I can find some Cannondale goodies .

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#187 Post by mydreamride »

Heres my stock crank that broke the crankpin

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#188 Post by wistech »

Anyone have any idea's . This engine was the first Ive seen ever have a crank come out of phase/alignment and now it breaks the pin? I keep thinking that maybe its something in the case alignment . Maybe its just bad luck. The only idea so far was detonation from low octane fuel. This crank has the undercut at the pin to web area.

This reminds me I need to get the pics up of the case my SAS ripped in half.

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#189 Post by Happyboy »


Now that is just a cool destruction shot. Sorry for the bad luck.

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#190 Post by claas900 »

..Werent there a few crank plates that were out of alignment?

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