At last the dyno king is deafeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#31 Post by wistech »

Heres a little tidbit. We found that the foam 250r uni filter made no difference than running without one on the moto. Might be because its just so big and the moto engine was 432 cc . This is what I'm using on the cyclone.

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#32 Post by cannondale27 »

Hey have we come to point of unvieling the cyclones yet?Not sure if pics were out of Tims Handiwork yet.

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#33 Post by wistech »

Nope still looking for a supplier. They are just to much machine time for Tim to do effectively. We need a shop with a cnc lathe. So for now I have to share the prototypes between my quads.

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#34 Post by cannondale27 »

They could be pressed out of sheetmetal I bet.

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#35 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Ok... This is the wrong spot for this, but Acarli was talkign about the stutter. My quad stutters on the bottom, it is a timbo stroker with timbo head work, a boomer box, bored out throttle body and horn. It hits liek a 2 stroke, it has a lag until you give it more throttle then it is like a powervalve has opened. Could this be because my leakage is 0 and my offset is higher (.93)?

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#36 Post by cannondale27 »

Did it always do this or did the problem start after you gutted the quickconnect?I am thinking that if this is the case you need to retune your quad because it is now running rich.(lack of return flow made it lean)Otherwise pipe makes a BIG difference powerwise on bottom.

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#37 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

This happned after it got put back together after last re-build.

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#38 Post by acarli3 »

It is a sign that you are too rich. You can drop the offset a bit (try .85) and see if that takes it away. You can also increase the throttle leakage to .5 and they may help a bit as well.

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#39 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I will try that at practice this weekend... a neighbor has been calling the cops everytime I ride the bike on the street.

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#40 Post by cannondale27 »

Days worth of posts deleted.Was it the map editor sources I listed?It was not specific you know.If so I guess it answers my question.Would be nice to get a PM when posts are deleted explaining why?

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