D&M question

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#1 Post by TucsonCannibal »

Got a question for ya.... the D&M kit, what order do I install stuff? The way I remember it was, map, then throttle cal... right?

And if I want to change the flow rate and injector offset, how do I do it without messing up the map?

Let me know what I should do, trying to tune the quad and having issues. Thanks everyone!

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#2 Post by Happyboy »

You install the map, throttle cal, set the offset, flowrate.

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#3 Post by MyCannibal »

you just go to update settings and u can edit your flow settings...just make sure that you keep yer stock settings handy...then b4 u send it to the ecu u make sure your new settings are checkmarked...you prolly know that.

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#4 Post by TucsonCannibal »

I don't get the box that lets me checkmark the settings I want... are there different D&M programs?

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#5 Post by cannondale27 »

First thing you do is recieve from ECU then write those numbers down.The check boxes allow you to keep your stock numbers (from ECU)yet still change the map.

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