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#91 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (jwheat @ Feb 1 2007, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOL Good answer.

I've been thinking about this today and my next question concerns Adam and Eve being the first humans and the progenitors of the human race. How did everyone escape the problems of inbreeding? Why are we not all mentally handicapped, missing a limb, or have ears like Prince Charles? Prince Charles could be the missing link.Plus after a few generations of inbreeding, you would most likely produce sterile offspring and that would be the end.

When Adam and Eve were created they had Perfect DNA, no mutations, no predisposed genetic defect, ribovirus, etc. At the time that they populated the Earth there would have been no mutations to speak of. We don't know how how it happened actually, who breed with whom outside of the genelogys(sp) recorded. In the Bible Old Testament, they lived for hundreds of year. Could be due to lack of pollution, good base DNA, etc.

After man sin (Adam was standing there with Eve) corruption began. After Noah, God started repopulating the earth, same thing, but after so many years genetic mutation, started stacking the sequence and the birth defect started. This would also apply to animals.

I have a basic understanding of DNA, mutations and laymans at best. I have read a couple of books. The interesting thing is the Mircodal DNA is traced though the female genes. In a Discover Channel special they found that Gene in every different race on earth. I think they called it the EVE Gene. I can look it up if you would like.

This question also applies to the animals that Moses gathered and placed in the ark. Covered above.

Since any type of radiation degredation dating is questionable in your opinion, what would you say if the Shroud of Turin or the Spear of Destiny were carbon-dated and found to be exactly as old as the Bible claims? Would the carbon-dating be suspect then? Yes, you can't stand on a fence if is either good for both groups or bad for both. The same argument. it's like shooting a bullet out of a gun along a parallel line with the ground...... we know how fast the bullet travels and we know how much force gravity will apply to it , so we can figure where it will eventually strike the ground within a reasonable distance.That is the key word. The Bible or anything else we have so far encountered tells of any unreasonable or extraordinary force that might have changed the degredation time of radioactive isotopes beyond what has been recorded. Science allows a fairly wide margin of error in these calculations and any change outside of that margin would have to be extraordinary.

If they didn't throw out the conflicting data, I do Fiber Optic measurements all the time. I "Know" what I'm doing and what I am measuring. Almost every test I run there will be Data Points outside of the expected range. So each of these Data Points need to be evaluated to ensure a "Good" test. Equipment- LASER, Power Meters, Connecors, Polarazation, PMD, PDL, etc.(those are actual optical measurements look them up if you need your head to spin.) need to be examined to determine the results. Are there times when I cannot explain a couple of points, yup. What do we (my Boss) and I do, throw them out. Now if I make my living proving Evolution(disproving Creation) and I have data points outside of what I'm looking for or expecting, what do we do with them. Is this on a conscience level, maybe, maybe not. Do they do experiments to find a preconceved idea of what to find. YES. I look at the way some of them present the data and find the holes. I could be wrong.

The Bible states for a fact that several miracles have happened in a grandiose scale....... what miracles (in your opinion) to match that scale have happened in the last couple of hundred years?

Isreal becoming a country. Isreal has not been a country in 1900 years. After WWII, after the Holocast, the Jews were givin their land back. This was foretold in the Bible. The Jews have returned to their land and continue to. The Six-Day War (Arabic: حرب الأيام الستة, ħarb al‑ayyam as‑sitta ; Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים, Milhemet Sheshet Ha‑Yamim), also known as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Third Arab-Israeli War, Six Days' War, an‑Naksah (The Setback), or the June War, was fought between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. God won the war using the Jewish military.

Next is to come is a 7 year peace treaty that will say a lot.

Just so you will know for future reference in this conversation, I was baptised as a baby and again as an adult and raised in the Methodist church from birth till present (or almost present). I have tithed as much as anyone I personally know and have kept up all of the vehicles(buses & vans) at my church for several years for free (I own a mechanic shop). 28 months ago my oldest son (18 at the time) was in a car wreck and spent two days in a coma before he died. I have not attended church, participated in church activites, or donated to a church since the funeral. While I have always considered myself a Christian, my beliefs are currently strongly challenged.


Man I feel for you. My younger brother was kill by bone cancer, he died, January 2, 1984. This of course was after a painful 18 month fight. The pain you feel may never go away. After that I quit believing as well, so did my Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Sister. Now, most of us are back right with God.

I don't want to sound like on of Jobs friends, so I'll just pray for you and your family.

By the way.... your making me strain my small brain!! Sorry, Not mellow.gif .

Responses in red.


QUOTE (Psychosis @ Feb 1 2007, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's one thing I've always questioned and have never been given a reason except for "god wouldn't allow those problems at the start of creation". Would like to hear an answer from somebody who's quite versed in their faith.

Me to...


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#92 Post by jwheat »

Hey Smitty...... What's with the red responses?? I feel like I'm reading the Bible. tongue.gif

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#93 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (jwheat @ Feb 1 2007, 02:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Smitty...... What's with the red responses?? I feel like I'm reading the Bible. tongue.gif

IJust wanted to show some contrast.


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#94 Post by cannondale27 »

Isreal becoming a country. Isreal has not been a country in 1900 years. After WWII, after the Holocast, the Jews were givin their land back. This was foretold in the Bible. The Jews have returned to their land and continue to. The Six-Day War (Arabic: حرب الأيام الستة, ħarb al‑ayyam as‑sitta ; Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים, Milhemet Sheshet Ha‑Yamim), also known as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Third Arab-Israeli War, Six Days' War, an‑Naksah (The Setback), or the June War, was fought between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. God won the war using the Jewish military.

Next is to come is a 7 year peace treaty that will say a lot.

I have one question.What about the millions of people who were dislocated,killed,jobless etc. held no animosity just were caught in between because of this?

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#95 Post by cannondale27 »

Oops more.Do you think that those events led to the hatred alot of those people have for Israel and us?

Are you hoping that these foretold events will lead to the second coming?

Could these events actually have happened or happening BECAUSE they were foretold?

Why is Chosen people phrase used so often?Is that phrase being taken literally as in race,nation?

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#96 Post by toothandnail »

Good post smile.gif Good job explaining Smitty! I agree with most every thing you've posted. It seems to me that belief in God can be reduced to accountability. If you say there is a God , that He created us ,then we are accountable to Him for our actions , If we deny there is a God , we can live our lives as we please , accountable only to our fellow man , whose standards are on a sliding scale. For me it comes down to evolution, it takes more faith to believe that than creation.

Keep up the good work smile.gif

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#97 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Feb 1 2007, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have one question.What about the millions of people who were dislocated,killed,jobless etc. held no animosity just were caught in between because of this?

What millions of people? The "Palistines" had given up on most of the land becuase nothing would grow there. The Jewish people were purchasing the land at unbelievable prices. By the 1950 the people had purchased over half of the land back, and moved in. They had cultivated the land and they started making money selling food. The Muslims got upset and tried to take it back. God prevailed against huge Odds, just like in the OT.

The Millions(not sure of actual figure, but can look it up.) of displaced refugees were mostly muslims that the "Palitinians" used for a politicial advantage. The Islamic Leader (Iman and Shieks), used their own people to ensure further hatered of the Jews. I just read an interesing article on this I will try to find it.

The Jewish people have had ensure their security against a world trying to wipe them out. What did the leader of Iran, say last month? "Isreal should no longer exist."


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#98 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Feb 1 2007, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oops more.Do you think that those events led to the hatred alot of those people have for Israel and us?

Are you hoping that these foretold events will lead to the second coming?

Could these events actually have happened or happening BECAUSE they were foretold?

Why is Chosen people phrase used so often?Is that phrase being taken literally as in race,nation?

Look though out History and you will find that Isreal as a nation has always had people trying to wipe it out. Christians and the once Christian Nation that we were, will be blessed by God for standing with his people. Look at US History, once we were a Christian Nation and prospered. Now look around, China holds over half of our National Dept, We have armed forces being killed in a questionable war, Abortion, we kill millions of children each year, and people think it's OK. We have rejected God and we are paying the price. Divorce, pre-maritual sex, Drug abuse, proverty, etc. etc. We have told God to let us excercise our Free Will that he gave us, Your rules don't apply to my life. The 10 commandments, even if you could take God out of equasion, would still make a workable happy society.

God gave us those Laws so that we might be saved, because of mans sinful nature we couldn't keep them. I personnaly have broken each and everyone of them at some point in my life, some several times.

God - Perfectly Holy cannot be around sin. If you take 100 Gallons of "Pure" white paint and put 1 drop of Black paint in it, Is it still "Pure"? No, now 1,000 Gallons, No, now a billion gallons. Now run that paint though a special filter that will remove that one drop of black paint. Now it is back to "Pure". That is what Jesus's dieing on the Cross did for us. He paid the Price of our sins and now they are filtered though Him. We are "Pure" and can be with God. God sent us the filter but not everyone wants to use it.

They are Hundreds of fortold event concerning Jesus first coming. There are almost twice that (not sure of the exact amount, i can look it up.) of his second coming. God is in control when these things will happen no one knows. Are we setting up for it You bet. Here's a couple of items on the Radar that should be of intrest.

1. National Id's and RFID chip. These will allow the goverment to track people continually.
2. School Lunch program - are being paid for with Bio scanning systems.
3. Middle East and Russia are getting together
4. Cash Less society - Scan your hand
5. Moral decay - If man is so smart we should be getting along better.
6. Nuclear poliferation - every one can have a bomb.
7. Doughts and pestilence - Africa, Australia huge problems
8. Wars are coming at a faster rate than every before
9. Denial of God

Those are just some of the things talked about in Revelation which was written 1900 years ago. We have been in a Grace Period and it is soon to end.

"Could these events actually have happened or happening BECAUSE they were foretold?" These are current event. God said I will reestablish Isreal and a generation would not pass away before I come again. I will have to look up the verse for this one cause that Big, REALLY BIG. A generation in the Bible is anywhere for 40 to 70 years. Do the math 1967 + 40 = 2007 or 1967 + 70 = 2037 I'm not saying that Jesus will return in this time frame, "No man knows the Hour or Day in which I come" Just putting some possibilites out there.

He could come back TODAY, there is no prophecy in the Biblicial time line that is not complete that could prevent it.

Isereal are Gods chosen people based on a Promise God made to them thousands of years age. Isreal, Issac and Jacob, what othre race has had the long term history of the Jews. They have never been assimalted into any culture. They still speak Hebrew (Modern), they still believe the Torah (1st 5 books of our Bible) etc. God keeps his promises, just on his time frame.

I'm truly enjoying this discussin.



You said earlier that "People take the Bible way to Literally."

What parts in your opion should not be taken that way?



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#99 Post by cannondale27 »

Do you understand that I am not saying who is right or wrong but am very worried for the people in between.I cannot believe that God would put a name to the chosen people.That is why I dont take the Bible strictly word for word.There are good,worthy people among all races and religions.God will not leave them.

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#100 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Feb 1 2007, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you understand that I am not saying who is right or wrong but am very worried for the people in between.I cannot believe that God would put a name to the chosen people.That is why I dont take the Bible strictly word for word.There are good,worthy people among all races and religions.God will not leave them.


Sure, I understand you are not making a judgement call on either side. Nor am I. And I'm not trying to beat you into seeing things my way. This is just a friendly discussion about some issues that are running around.

Salvation is though Isreal, based on a promise God made to their fore-fathers. So I agree that God loves everyone, "So that NONE shall perish." "All People everywhere." and dozens of other versus support Salvation is a Free Gift that all can have.

In between who/where? Isreal and Iran?

"There are Good, Worthy, people amoung all races and religions. God will not leave them." The Bible says clearly in Romans that "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." Jesus (God in the Flesh) said " I am the way, the truth and the light, No man comes to the Father except though me." How do those two verses apply to your statement.

Sorry, If I'm being a pain. It's kind of my nature. rolleyes.gif


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