Coolant Circulation

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#1 Post by jesshamner »

Well, at the group ride in PA, I lost my coolant. I just figured that I didn't tighten the cap enough after the rebuild. So I filled it back up and put it on pretty tight this time. Before I took off I felt the hoses, as usual, but they felt a little weak like there was no pressure. I rode a couple of short laps to test everything. I found coolant leaking again from the cap. So I took my gloves off and felt the hoses. They were warm but still pretty weak. I shut the bike off and squeezed them again. I could hear the air blowing through while I squeezed. Long story, longer....I went back to the truck and pulled the hoses from the motor to find the coolant spilling out. It seems as though it isn't circulating. I'm thinking its the impeller but I'm wondering if there is something else I need to check. Also, I remember something about a couple different types of aluminum impellers. Should I just go ahead and order one from BW or does someone else sell these too? Thanks for the help in advance.

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#2 Post by Happyboy »

Just pull the hose off the impeller cover and see if the impeller has spun. If it hasn't then maybe you had air in your lines already?? hmmm.... As for the different impellers, yeah...there are a couple out there. But I kinda guess they are all pretty good. I haven't seen anything bad about them and they have been around for a while.

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#3 Post by jesshamner »

So it could just be a bubble? I have the self bleeder system and I even tried putting the bike on the grab bar per Maz's instructions from an old post. Could there still be an air pocket in there?

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#4 Post by azcannon »

You should feel the hoses warm up and the radiator also , that verify's coolant flow. otherwise you can check if your plastic impellar is spun if its aluminum then I would be surprised.

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#5 Post by CannondaleRider »

Even if you have the self bleeding system, the bleeder nipple, or the hose, can be plugged up.

Verify that coolant is making its way through the bleeder hose, and into the resevoir. If nothing is coming up, I'd bet its plugged up.

If there is no coolant in it, just blow through the bleed hose, that will tell you also.

I've dealt with that a few times

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#6 Post by cannondale27 »

Also you need to check the fit of some of these Aluminum impellars.Some can hit the waterpump cover just a bit.Triming the fins with a file is all that is needed.

"I could hear the air blowing through while I squeezed."

Where could you hear air blowing though?If it was through the cap the cap or bottle are shot or cap isnt on right.

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#7 Post by jesshamner »

BTW, I still have the plastic impeller. LOL. I'm leaning towards a stripped impeller. It's the original from the factory. smile.gif

What could plug up the coolant system?

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#8 Post by MyCannibal »

I have the factory plastic impellar too...never had a problem with it...if the radiator and hoses are warm then you have coolant flow...I would take the reservoir cap off...start it up, squeeze the hoses, put the cap back on...don't overtighten...then put it on its grab bar for about 30 seconds...if everythings warm I wouldnt worry about may have to put it on its grab bar more than once...I did it like 2 er 3 times when I switched to evans...

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#9 Post by jesshamner »

When I said the hoses were warm, I stated that they were still weak and easy to squeeze. There was no pressure to keep them firm. I'm positive that there is no flow. I can usually see it churning a little in the coolant bottle for whatever reason. It is completely still at the moment while the engine is running. I'm going to check out the impeller tonight.

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#10 Post by jesshamner »

How am I supposed to tell if the impeller is spun just by looking through that little hole? I tried to stick a screw driver in to see if it spins freely but it felt solid. Of course I didn't have much leverage. I also cranked the motor over and it spun like it was supposed to. I also stuck a coat hanger in there to try and hold it in place while barely cranking it over. I just turned the coat hanger. I know this isn't the only way to test it. What do you guys do?

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