Wreck video!

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#1 Post by jwheat »

This has got to be the hardest landing I have ever seen!


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#2 Post by Guy310 »


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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Oh my!I wonder if he survived?

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#4 Post by jwheat »

That make all of the steel screws and plates in my body hurt everytime I see it!! I wonder how bad he was hurt?

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#5 Post by Blasterboy11 »

"DIRT SAMPLE!", ouch, that guy aint gettin up for a long, looong, loooooooong time...

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#6 Post by Sandstorm »

That was Gary Wells in Mesquite, Nevada.. That's the skywalk that hooks two casinos together.. You're all right!!! He won't be getting up for a long time. He's still in the grave after that jump... He died because of it..

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#7 Post by cannondale27 »

Thats a shame.Really didnt want to know if you know what I mean.

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#8 Post by Guy310 »

I can believe it, that's for sure. It would have to have been a miracle for him to have lived after that. It's the risk we take. Now, with that said, I hope they fired the guy who forgot to account for the wind.

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#9 Post by UpsMan »

Sick ****.

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#10 Post by CannondaleRider »

Very sad.

Kind of hard to believe, but that skywalk looks even higher in person.........very wierd seeing that, having stood in that exact spot.....

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