Top end sugestion, valve springs and rpms

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#11 Post by cannondale27 »

Good luck Pete.

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#12 Post by peterock »

ok, anyone up for some dyno runs this weekend at Mike's?

I should have the cams Friday. This is going to be the rewelded worn cam. So if everything works, there will be another option for those worn out cams.

Part of this test is going to involve removing the inner valve spring and shimming valve clearances tighter to .006 on intake and exhaust.

Lift and duration increased on both cams as well.

Also, after todays discusion, Ti Valves and ported polished head is being done as I type. Upon further inspection, Crower found on area he definetly wants to change on the heads.

Makes me want to leave work early, call in sich the rest of the week, and go tear my motor out.

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#13 Post by wistech »

Ive been halving the valve clearances for several years on these on the race engines with no problem. Never had a tightening up issue except for the ti valves .

I just finished getting the aftermarket cams in the 460 high compresion motor and hope to have the mid compresion motor done soon. Im not going to the dyno till the exhaust is finished and I get some more dyno cash. Im out and the next session is going to be an all day event for sure .
Good luck

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#14 Post by cannondale27 »

Pete I have a Tivalve head here if you want to try it.What rpm are you going to run it at with inner springs out?

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#15 Post by peterock »

Looking at running around 10500 or 10800.

TI Valve head sounds tempting. I would like to drop the cams in my head/motor as we have a good baseline to see any improvements.

I could get another set made that we could drop in your TI valve head if you guys want to try a set of cams in one of your set-ups???

Or if you guys have a set-up with a good baseline I could send them your way as well. I know you guys are better at tuning and setting them up. I'm learning, but need to learn a lot yet.

Steve, you available Sunday morning maybe?

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#16 Post by peterock »

Everything is on track for Wednesday morning cam testing/valve springs.

TiValve extruder ported/polished Crower head 2 weeks out.

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#17 Post by cannondale27 »

Cool!See ya there.

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#18 Post by peterock »

Well, we ran into a snafu. In my late night dash to get everything together, I missed putting in the timing chain tensioner bolt. Long story short. I have to yank the motor back out and recheck the timing as we didn't have any compression when I went to start it.

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#19 Post by timbomoose »

Man that stinks.don't let it detur you.You got some good testing going on and hoefully will end up with some good results.Keep up the good work!

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#20 Post by peterock »

The worst part was Steve driving to Mike's to assist only to not be able to do anything. Got caught up on my sleep once I got home and have to work 12 hour shifts the next two day. I'll be able to pull the motor this weekend and go over it again.

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