
Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#11 Post by cannondale27 »

I have never seen one destruct on breakin unless it was put together wrong.But I have seen more than one that wouldnt seat the rings.All those were broke in with synthetic.The dino oil is important.I also use a special assembly lube for the rings and piston.And a cam lube for the cams and assembly lube for the bearings.

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#12 Post by claas900 »

I've been told that assembly lube wasn't good to use cuzz its plugs the oil filter up, even tho it is spouse to break down as soon as oil gets to it. I've been told coat everything with oil and prime the system is all you really need. Whats the different's in a motor thats been sitting for a wile or even over night and one thats put together with oil only with the system primed?
I've never head of a special oil for the piston rings? But I'm not surprised theres something out there for it.

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#13 Post by cannondale27 »

Ring,piston,liner bearings cams The cam lube might not breakdown but the others do and will go right through filter.

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