School Blows

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#1 Post by RonDK »

Things have been slow here lately so I want to vent a little about school...high school that is. Not just high school, but people in general too. Before you roll your eyes, this isn't about some dumb girlfriend crap like you see over on exriders, this is some what serious. Let's see start things off, I am a senior this year and I do very well. In fact, I am currently in the Highest Honors bracket and get almost 100% in every class. So, where am I going with this? Well, as many of you know, your senior year is crammed with college visits, talks about college, college essays, etc... A while back, I even made a thread about Tech schools and not going to college. I guess you could say I was "on the fence" back then, but now I am pretty sure I have made a decision. I have decided NOT to go to college and I feel so happy!

But wait a minute, why would this idiot not go with such good grades?

In English, we started a project a few weeks ago. This project was the essay you had to write for college, included in your application. The problem is I don't want to go to college. Since I did not have an application or an essay question, I was given one off a sheet. The question was "If you were to teach a class, what class would it be and why?" I have no desire to be a teacher and I basically lied on the whole essay. Now, as I write my final draft, I am at a standstill because I have nothing to expand on. Theres nothing I can do to elaborate because I can't write about something I have no desire or passion about. This little mess is only the beginning though.

Everyday, the teacher tries to encourage me to go to college. Excuse me, but why should I? As I look around, I am humored by all of the morons in school. ALL OF THEM try to get into these high colleges and pick the highest paying jobs. Give me a break, life is more than a paycheck. The root of my problem (I believe) is that I can't stand school, I can't stand immaturity, stupidity, guidelines, and people in general. When I say I hate guidelines, I don't mean that I'm rebellious, I simply hate when people say "This is what you should, have, or need to do to be successful."

Now for a little history (on me tongue.gif). I grew up constantly thinking about everything. I would think all of the time and often amaze myself with ideas and things of that nature. I loved problem solving and I am extremely competitive. When someone says it can't be done, I am the one to do it. As I aged, I saw how people are and they disgusted me. They get drunk, do drugs, hurt each other physically and mentally, abuse people, and are as valuable as the gum on the bottom of a shoe (not all of course). But how does this tie into my college problem? Well, this is one of several reasons I don't want to go. I don't want to graduate with the same piece of paper that some useless scumbag, absorbing attention by partying all day, does. I work so hard for my grades and it's not by pressure from anyone but myself. Missing something as simple as a homework assignment will bug me until I break down from stress. I am so stressed by school and assignments that I am finally loosing it. I am constantly aware of everything and it feels like my mind is in overdrive all day. It feels great sometimes but it is wearing me down now. I just don't think college is the answer for me. I don't want to be another statistic. I don't want to be told to go. I don't want to be a part of the atmosphere. I just feel that someone like me can do more by not going to college. Not job wise, but mentally. I will always hold the fact that I graduated with a D average student and payed thousands of dollars to do so against myself.
Now in school, it is college this and college that. Here's an idea, do something constructive with students instead of stressing them out with this college garbage. I am so fortunate to be a tech at a Honda dealership at age 18 (I was 17 when I started), but I worked my way there. I can bust my knuckles on a car and I can get a 100% on a test in school. I have a car that I am paying by myself, I have a job, and I know what the real world is like. I am just so annoyed that schools push college and totally give real life the cold shoulder. I almost feel like a superior walking into school. Morons with no direction in life try to get rich, teachers with no common sense talk like robots at the front of the class, and I feel singled out because of my belief about college. God forbid I not go....come on. I want to skip college just to prove everyone wrong and show that true passion in life comes from hard work, not a sheet of paper.

Just thinking about college makes me sick - The partying, the teachers that think they are gods, the money blown away, and the kids that think they know everything, but in reality, know nothing. I am a quiet student and enjoy knowledge. I love to read about things that can benefit me and I LOVE watching other people try to be what they are not. I feel like I am alone, surrounded by complete idiots in this world. Say it ain't so!

When it comes down to it, I just want to know your opinion. I read plenty on this site and I know I can trust you guys. This isn't some site devoted to 15-year-old's opinions about stupid stuff, it's about knowledge and camaraderie. You are a more mature crowd: Do you think NOT attending college is the right thing to do? Are my views skewed (not just my views on college)?

My rant is over for tonight. wink.gif If some sentences don't make sense or I am unclear, it's because I'm not too happy and it's 2:00am.

P.S. I decided not to do this project. My view on life is more important that a grade...especially since grades mean nothing now.

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#2 Post by RonDK »

Just to add, I have a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STI. I love this car and I am paying 100% of it by myself. Insurance, gas, all of it. My friend that goes to college lost thousands for the price of college, can BARELY afford a 2 thousand dollar car, wastes money on drugs/alcohol, already wrecked his first car, and still thinks he is doing the right thing. I am very organized and I worked the whole car thing out before I went for it. I kill myself trying to pay for it but I have to, not just to own it, but just to prove that I can do something this difficult at a young age. I get minimum wage but work many hours. To me, this was just a little pat on the back for sticking with my view on college. With responsibility, HARD work, and determination, I believe anything is possible (except getting hired for jobs that REQUIRE a degree LOL). This is what I want my good grades to account for, something I can appreciate. Although my grades do not affect my car, they reflect on my determination. I hope no one sees this as bragging. I work VERY VERY hard and stress myself daily. My back is messed up, my father is severely injured, my sisters are having trouble in school, and I am pressured by school, work, blah, blah. I know most people have these issues, but with the way my mind is, I will overthink these issues to the point where I cannot sleep and feel sick all day. I work for what I own and I am proud of it.

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

It sounds as if you are happy working as a tech at Honda Dealership.If so then no reason to change.A job should always be a means to happiness.Job doesnt necessarily need to make you happy but it should ALWAYS enable you to do things or buy things that make you happy.For some time is more important than $ also.So they may want as much time as possible to do what they want.Sometimes its nice to be the little guy at work.Less stress I believe.Also in this country many have gotten very far without much education at all.Just takes ambition.
In my area the Highschool Kids all go through actual on the job training in a field of thier choice.College is not made such a high priority since there are many skilled jobs that require no college just skill.Plenty of them pay much more than those that require a Bachelors degree also.

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#4 Post by Nickc711 »

yes should do what your good at and what you like. I wanted to be a welder or machinist, i took classes in both in hs but i was talked out of it. I also took classes in cad. I am now sitting in college totally sick over my decision and what i have become. Im going for a degree in mechanical engineering, although im good in school its just sickening some of my professors should go to speech class. they form their sentences backwards and put their decimal places in the middle if the two numbers.Thats multiplication right! If i get my degree it will be worth it...but will i go nuts first?

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#5 Post by UpsMan »

You are 18 years old. At one time in this country, that made you a man and you could do whatever you wanted. You don't have to listen to your mommy, teachers, nobody!! Be a man, pull your pants up high and decide what you want for yourself and go for it!! College is not necessary for success. Success and happiness are both out there for you, but you have to go get it yourself. It sounds like you have the drive to succeed in whatever it is you decide you want to do. Now, quit listening to the moron teachers. Most of them are sheltered idiots that couldn't make it in real life for one day. My apologies to teachers out there, but that is how I feel.

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#6 Post by SlOoT »

I am in the same position at the moment. Last year on High School at the highest grade here in the Netherlands. I can go to College (University) if I want to, but I don't want to.

I want to do what I like to do, and that is to work. I love to work on my quad and I'm good at it. I can rebuild my KTM engine in one day (If I have the parts tongue.gif ).

So when I'm done with High School I'll just go to work. And I can always go to College or something like that a few years later should I want to (probably not) biggrin.gif

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#7 Post by cannondale27 »

laugh.gif True.I will add most managment to that list of freeloaders.Good ones with commonsense are few and far in between.Never heard of a College that taught common sense!

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#8 Post by dalewannbe »

College to me was much more than an education, its was about experiences. I met many good friends from all walks of life that I would have never met. It definitely made me a more rounded person and helped shape who I am today.

College does not have to be about partying all the time. Sure there are those who do all the time, some that do it some of the time, and some that never do.

There will be some professors that are brilliant but can't teach, then their will be some brilliant professors that can teach. The ones that can teach make learning fun and easy, they make you want to be in class and make you want to learn more and work harder.

Two of my favorite classes were classes that I never would have taken, but I had to take some classes other than my major, so I took a Health class and a Art class. Both were fascinating and the health class shaped how I eat today. I was never an art person, but the class was recommended by a good friend. It was on renaissance art, we studied the art for weeks then went to a museum to see some of the art works. That was awesome.

With a degree, higher paying jobs are easier to get. I'm not saying that a degree will equal success and money, because that is far from truth. But you take a person with a degree and a person without a degree, and the person with the degree will probably end up with the job.

College was probably the most fun four years of my life. It helped me get where I am today.

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#9 Post by jesshamner »

I know exactly where you are coming from because I have been there. I did well in high school and pretty much hated it. I knew people that didn't go to college and were perfectly happy. However, I decided to go to College and I'm glad I did.

You have to look at these steps as preparation to get to the next step. No you probably aren't going to use what you learned in Calculus in life, but it helps you get to the next step. Then you get to college and learn all this great stuff (sense the sarcasm). I am one of the few that actually got a job that perfectly matches my degree and I can tell you, I don't use very much of what I learned in college. College was only a status symbol when I was looking for a job. Yes it helped. College is also a way to get internships and opportunities of the like. This is far greater than a piece of paper saying that you completed your studies. It doesn't matter if you graduated at the head of your college class. If someone has a couple years of experience, they are going to get the job first. But if you have a degree and experience, then you're one up on them.

I have to say that I didn't like college while I was there, but it is a very special experience...almost a right of passage. I didn't want to go party all the time and I didn't. I went there and did what I was supposed to. I worked and went to school. I gained some experience of the real world, I met some great people, and acquired some good contacts. I was immersed into surreal experience that I feel everyone should at least try. It may not be for your, but give it a chance before you decide that it isn't. I thought I had it all figured out before I went to college and I was way off.

You should really give this whole thing a lot of thought.

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#10 Post by UpsMan »

RonDK, I'm really concerned about how much you are stressing out over this thing. Its easy for us older guys to sit back here and say do this or that, but you are just getting started. My biggest decision today will be whether to have two double cheeseburgers for lunch, or just one. I already know how the rest of my day is going to go. Get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. It's not that simple of course, but I don't have any real serious decisions to make. Just remember, the decisions you make now aren't going to make or break your life. If you skip college for a year or two, you can go back later. You can go to tech school and go to college later. You can skip it all and just work....or even join the military....lots of options.... just try not to worry yourself sick over it all. It will all work out fine.

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