The Silent Cannon Got Her Beauty Sleep!!

Bring all of your questions about the Cannondale quad here!
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#1 Post by Chicken »

well this is a odd topic but i bought a 02 canibal in 04 and ran it for about 70 hrs max.
then there was a crash wacko.gif
by the time i got the money to fix her i moved to virginia. and couldent get the quad there until a year later.. well while there i was working 7 days a week and 75+ hour weeks sad.gif leaving no time for maintenance so i dident ride it. (my law) then after a year in VA i moved to Alaska. leaving the quad in PA for a year.........UGHHHHHH
then i shipped it to alaska due to no one buying the dang thing and i was in debt from building a boat and it sat for another 3/4 year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats quad abuse

70 hrs on a 02 with many extras on it and its like new (Again)

so the motor is not locked up
changed all the fluids
new battery

i bought a bunch of parts while living in VA and just got them on the freakin thing and know i am twitching to push that start button......
like i said the motor is free and the piston looks great (flashlight)

what would you check if your quad sat for 4ish years without running it!!!!!!!!
i know it sounds crazy but its all true....
plus we put it in a floatplane to get it to my house wink.gif (i live remote)

thanks for anything
cannon abusing Chicken HAHAH

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#2 Post by cannondale27 »

I would check to see if you have magnesium valvecover.Check it for pitting.Then If fresh gas fire it up.Probably rear axle bearings are shot unless it never was run in water.Must be a cool place to live.Do you have satellite internet?

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#3 Post by Chicken »

yea i was wondering about the valve cover
ill check

axle bearing are tight still
ill keep a close eye on them for a while.

yea we have satilite internet out here. but its slow for sat internet but alot faster then dial up.
its a very neat place to live..
to go anywhere to ride i have to load the cannon or rancher into my boat and travel 3-10 miles to different places to ride..
its kinda scary driving a atv off a dock into a small boat the first time.....
ill have to post some pics of my atv commute to the riding grounds..
defenetly unique


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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

That would be cool.Hey only other thing I can think of is maybe add some kind of fuel conditioner.Have seen fuelpumps and injectors that get varnished up from sitting.

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#5 Post by kdeal »


Where are you at in Alaska? Bush station, I suppose?

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#6 Post by jesshamner »

Make sure your cylinder isn't filled with oil.

Transporting your quad by boat to a riding area sounds pretty cool.

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#7 Post by NRath »

Nothing to add as far as suggestions, but I wanna' see pics of this boat ride!!! Sounds like a riot!

Why can't you ride closer? Seems like you could be making some trails right out the shed door...

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#8 Post by jesshamner »

Maybe his island isn't big enough. laugh.gif I wanna see pics of the boat too.

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#9 Post by Chicken »

yea i put some fuel additive in it and changed all the fluids charged up a temperary atv battery until the float plane comes back with my new one.

remember its been 4ish years since ive touched the thing..

got it all ready to start and hit the button.. nothing
checked all the battery connections they were all tight and clean
checked to make sure the atv was not in gear and hit the button again

i could hear the fuel pump kick on

then about 20.min. later i slaped my self.....

i should have pulled in the clutch..... rolleyes.gif

kinda comical in my eyes

she fired up and idled nice.
i shut it off and checked all the fluids again
they all looked great

took it outside and putted to the dock and back and it ran good...

i think it needs a little tweaking on the DM though.(whit the HMF on it for the first time) but i think i will let the fuel shi* clean up the injectors before i through everything super out of wack...
the clutch worked great and dident need bleeding so all is well and she is awake again!!!
thanks for all the help everyone

ill post come pics of the cannon boat ride tomorrow while im pulling shrimp pots...

yea i live on a remote fish hatchery only accessible by float plane or boat.
i get mail and groceries twice a month if im luckey.... due to weather...
there are only 13 other people out here with me
everyone knows everyone HAHAHAH
lots of bear and LOTS of wolves..
always need a gun up here (my trusty Marlin 45-70 guide gun goes everywhere with me)

someone asked me where i was located and here it is..
Neets Bay Alaska
approx 50 mi north of Ketchikan

if any of you have ever taken a cruise to alaska and in ketchikan you went on the Pro-Mech Air Bear Tour you came to my house.....thats where i live
i also worked as a guide for a bunch of these tours...

well thanks again and i will post some pics of the cannon boat tomorrow

Chicken biggrin.gif

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#10 Post by jesshamner »

Hey that's pretty cool. I haven't been there but I have worked on the nautical charts for that area. Bascially from Seattle up past Wrangell.

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