trade honda 400ex for a cannondale

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#1 Post by flykid09 »

i have a yellow 2002 honda 400ex with 426 kit and a lot more extras on it. i want to trade it for a mx cannondale. let me know wut you guys have. i live in Great Bend Kansas. its a small town in the very center of kansas. let me know if there is anyone interested. thanks

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#2 Post by BSLEETER »

keep the 400ex kid

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#3 Post by MyCannibal »

sleeter, tell him to keep the EX but u started another post saying you want a Dale?

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#4 Post by ozarkdaler »

Yeah what is up with that?

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#5 Post by jesshamner »

I was wondering the same thing. LOL. Another great post.

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#6 Post by Nickc711 »

he must of had a bad experience....but don't discourage others man

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