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#11 Post by thedeatons »

I still think we should be marking updated cranks. Regardless of whether someone can duplicate the marking, who will go to the trouble? Even if there is 1 failure in 100, that is not enough for me to worry. As far as I have seen the Z400 updated cranks are super reliable, so if there were just a marking on the stator side somewhere, we could be more reassured about actually getting some longer life out of the crank than a stocker.

By marking nothing it seems like we shoot ourselves in the foot....

How many people have wasted $50 to find out there crank was already updated? I know I have....

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#12 Post by cannondale27 »

If you ride enough the Z400 cranks do in fact wear out. Never heard of one wearing to point of failure and destruction but they wear to point where rod is no longer useable and bearing cage is worn.

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#13 Post by motodiseased1 »

It would make sense to simply mark the date and initial your work, We all know you guys are good at what you do, why not put your stamp on it...

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#14 Post by thedeatons »

Because no one likes change.... Plus certain people have to come up with these ideas for them to be valid... smile.gifsmile.gif

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#15 Post by Canniboomer »

I thinks it's a great idea to mark them,..... but sadly, we are all so late!

I think I have had over 55 units done up by now, and not a single one has been marked. And I bet the total of Z-cranks out there is over 300 by now. Just a small mark of Zorro at the stator-shaft end of the crank would be cool, and you could ID one by simply popping off the flywheel cover.... or use an "F" for a Falicon. Even with the dimple at the end of the shaft, you could discern a marking there. Etching an ID inside, and an S-2 or S-6 for stroker cranks would also be handy for most people. These machines change owners, and the details of what's inside can quickly become a mystery.

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#16 Post by thedeatons »

Never too late to start.... There are still a lot of unupdated cranks out there....

We really need to just get a few of the crank updaters on the same page to get it done....

It's no skin off my nose, I'm just trying to help.

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#17 Post by Trouble »

So the z400 bearing is the upgrade huh?After seeing the the quality control issues personally on a few z400s i would feel more comfortable with say a crank from a ol'skool honda xr500! Those are cranks that would last forever,guys would get 8 seasons of flat track racing on those things,if only they would fit a dale'

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

The old XR's only revved to what 6000rpm?Thats why they lasted.

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#19 Post by Trouble »

they could rev to almost 9 when built up.Anybody else have a fx400 here?i feel like i have a red headed step child,surely most of them havent been parted or scrapped by now..

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