Anyone live Near Iowa..../ fuel pump... again

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#11 Post by motodiseased1 »

I just checked the pump again, both of them... then dont seem to be sucking at all from the bottom? Am I unlucky enough to have bought a bad pump? Fuel lines are clear and i ban blow air through them easily....

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#12 Post by motodiseased1 »

Oh and no speed racer I do not have a spare ecu , but i did arc it , and that what the conostant running is from, I've just been pulling the fuse...

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#13 Post by speedracer »

When I arced my fuelpump I was cleaning it with steelwool,it sparked,then it would run constantly and not push fuel.I called Brad @ Blackwidow to get a new pump,told him what happened,he said I ruined the fuelpump driver in the ecu.I got a programmed ecu from him,problem solved.From that point I always disconnect the positive on the battery before I mess with the pump,an expensive lesson!

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#14 Post by speedracer »

Wasnt there a post of someone running their pump of a toggle switch,hardwired to the battery?

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#15 Post by motodiseased1 »

yea there was, Ive also hear of running it off the ignition switch if you delete your headlights... I guess im going to haveto get a new ecu, then.... two more questions. If it isnt the actual pump then why wont it pick up fuel / wd 40 when i power it w a trickle charger? not enough power? second, who has an ecu they want to get rid of???????????

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#16 Post by peterock »

hook it directly to a 12 volt battery from your ATV. That used fuel pump you picked up may not be good.

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#17 Post by speedracer »

See,you were right,Cannondales are more expensive than women.Let me know if you dont get it running,I have a good ecu you can borrow to see if thats it before you buy one.Remember though,you fry,you buy!

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#18 Post by motodiseased1 »

Alright i just hooked the new and old one up to my truck! and they both made the same low hum and did not suck or spit anything out.... They were exactly the same..... So I think I might have ANOTHER bad pump? Would it run constantly if it never filled up?, That may mean my ecu is good and I am just extremely unlucky with pumps.... Any one got a spare pump out there I could test

PS, Im not saying he did this on purpose or that its even the problem, but can anyone vouch for cdal55s reputation.. I got the pump off him, he seemed really nice, but who knows.....

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#19 Post by ronnoc47 »

If you shorted out the fuel pump, your pump won't stop because the circut in the ECU is fried. I did this to mine about 5 years ago. What I did then was just went and bought another c-dale run/stop switch and mounted it on the bars. So I have two identical switches on opposite sides of the bars, one for the pump and one for engine run stop.
As for the pump not sucking, did you look inside the tank to see if the fuel pick up tube didn't come off or not sitting far enough in the tank? I had that happen once.

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#20 Post by speedracer »

Did you try drawing fuel through it was hooked up to your truck?

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