Another weekend of riding, another week of wrenching...woohooo!!!!

Bring all of your questions about the Cannondale quad here!
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#1 Post by motodiseased1 »

So here are the symptoms fellas, Overheating!, coolant is at right point on the tank, ride/beat the **** out of it for 15 mins, coolant level raises and motor overheats, wont start back up. Once it does start it boggs real bad and starts spitting at me when I try givin it some juice on the way back to the truck. kept happening all day, but it kept running great after a 45 rest, and coolant would always, except once, return to ok level. One time i did lose about half of the coolant. am i blocked up? impeller seized? all who have knowledge chime in please smile.gif another thing it did usually idle ok once it started back up after a while , but it would not accept giving it throttle..

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#2 Post by thedeatons »

Drain radiator - Remove hose from side of water pump housing - Inspect impeller, see if it turns on the cam (which means stripped). That is how you inspect the water pump.....

A good idea may be for you to order a status light kit from Boomer, which will give you real time info on whether you are overheating, battery is charging, and whether the ECU has a fault...

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#3 Post by claas900 »

Is your bleed hose plugged?

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#4 Post by motodiseased1 »

not sure, Actually I dont think i even have that update yet.

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#5 Post by speedracer »

Check your impeller cover at the nipple,mine was clogged,I had to drill it out.Do you have an aluminum or magnesium valve cover.Also,try loosing top left screw on the impeller cover untill it seeps coolant.Wistech had a post about standing the quad on the gradbar for a few minutes to help bring up air pockets.

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#6 Post by speedracer »

Didnt you just change your coolant rezzy?Bet you have air in your cooling system.Dont you hate running out of soap and you have to use your wifes Avon stuff which leaves you smelling like a dang tulip or some kind of stinkweed,sorry bud my eyes are watering!

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#7 Post by motodiseased1 »

ok so boomer told me to bleed the right bolt and this thread says left bolt, quad facing forward looking at bleed side, which one is correct?

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#8 Post by claas900 »

Something else I do on a new motor,is tilt the bike on its right then left side, most times I get quite a few air bubbles.

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