XC radiator?

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#21 Post by thunderwolf »

Made me laugh. :rotf

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#22 Post by Holeshot36 »

Sweet thanks for all the help, got some good ideas now.:head:

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#23 Post by jesshamner »

Let's try it again. This is supposed to be Braff1's predator.

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#24 Post by Braff1 »

Yep that is my Predator, since I put the mud guard on I have not had any problems. Acually I have 2 types, one is a single mesh and the other is a double mesh. the double mesh is in the previous pictures I posted.

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#25 Post by jesshamner »

I didn't have access to a hose until the day after the race. That mud turned into concrete while it sat there over night.

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#26 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Ya, that place is evil!

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#27 Post by Derno24 »

where is that located at? I thought we got it good up here, but I see there are worse places still.

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#28 Post by jesshamner »

That is Haspin Acres in Laurel, IN. Its a pretty fun local race if you ask me. www.haspinacres.com

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