How do you remove the fuel injectors?

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How do you remove the fuel injectors?

#1 Post by dalewannbe »

Looking for advice.

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#2 Post by bouncerdude »

i found it to be a bit of a pain. if memory serves me right(no garuntees)you need to remove a u shaped clip which locks it in place. then you have to unscrew a bolt or nut which holds on a small flat support bracket. then wiggle then lose. i cut and bruised my hands pretty good getting the injectors off. many bad words muttered or thought of on that little project. hope this helps.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

bouncerdude nailed it on the head.

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#4 Post by jcv440 »

Take out the radiator also, makes it alot easier to get at.

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#5 Post by Mjollnir »

Yelling (or uttering, if there are small children present) many four letter words during the process helps to smooth things along.

Also, stand back often, glaring at the bike, thinking to yourself, "What the f*** were they thinking?"

Be prepared to lose the only-slightly-larger-than-microscopic nut that holds the injector clip on. It will invariably fall off the stud, carom off of some other poorly located part, and end up in an alternate dimension with all of your matching socks.

I've found that with these small tips, it makes things much simpler. OK, well, maybe not. More satisfying. No, not that either.

Get a 12 pack. Preferably imported.

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

I like these directions. :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

and another 6 if you still don't find this funny.

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