Is anyone going start building dales again?

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#11 Post by TheJaspMan »

What part? I am definetly not trying to argue. But...

Do you think Dinli is going to mass produce a 'Cdale like' product? Or are you thinking that ATK will pick up the ball? And if so they still COULD not call it a 'Cannondale'. The name is not theirs to use.

That could also offer another small explination why Dinli choose that wacked out body style. It was as far from looking like a Cdale as possible. If everyone calls their quad a 'Cannondale' it draws no attention to the 'Dinli' name.

None of these companies are going to tell too much info. So no one really knows what the future of the R&D will hold. We all know that Cannondale was ahead of the game. And hopfully another company will keep going with it. But their quads and bikes will be known by another name. And in all rights they should correct us every chance they get, they bought the rights to the molds and plans. It's theirs now.

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#12 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by thomez
Do explain .....

And only say ATK if they are manufacturing something. A rebadge doesn't count in my book.


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#13 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Just keep your pants on, it takes time!

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#14 Post by thomez »

I'm not playing the "I know but I'm not telling" game. No thanks.

When ATK announces manufacturing plans, which means they have invested literally millions into the equipment it takes to do so (I haven't heard anything of the like), and I see something on their web site more than a Cdale prototype picture, or an explanation of the rebadging process, then I will believe they are going to make something. It certainly hasn't happened yet, and I'm not holding my breath that it will.

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#15 Post by TheJaspMan »

I hope so. I really do. I would hate to see ATK just building stuff out of bankruptcy inventory just to make money. Then walk away. That would be an incredible waste. It wouldn't be surprising or wrong. It would just be a waste.

I cannot see Dinli even trying to produce anything but a 'McDonalds' quad. And even if they did, would it be 'American Made' anymore? Wasn't that the best part of the Cdale? :usa

MX Quad Dad
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#16 Post by MX Quad Dad »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Or are you thinking that ATK will pick up the ball? And if so they still COULD not call it a 'Cannondale'. The name is not theirs to use..

Everbody calls them Dale's or C- Dale's anyways and there is nothing stopping them from useing that in the model name.

I have read quite a few articals of when Cannondale anounced they were building a dirt bike way before the bike was ready and by the time it was released there was so much bad press it was a wounder they lasted as long as they did. Redline snowmobiles seem to be headed down that same road also. Honda kept the 450R under wraps, at least until the prototype was ready to enter in a major event. So if ATK needs to keep a lid on it I don't mind, I just apreciate hearing something from Frank from time to time. Another thing, I don't believe ATK has stayed in bussness this long by lieing to its potental customers. and he did say he was going to supply parts and manufacture new parts as needed.
I will wait for ATK and maybe buy a rebadged Dale.

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#17 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by MX Quad Dad
Everbody calls them Dale's or C- Dale's anyways and there is nothing stopping them from useing that in the model name.

I have read quite a few articals of when Cannondale anounced they were building a dirt bike way before the bike was ready and by the time it was released there was so much bad press it was a wounder they lasted as long as they did. Redline snowmobiles seem to be headed down that same road also. Honda kept the 450R under wraps, at least until the prototype was ready to enter in a major event. So if ATK needs to keep a lid on it I don't mind, I just apreciate hearing something from Frank from time to time. Another thing, I don't believe ATK has stayed in bussness this long by lieing to its potental customers. and he did say he was going to supply parts and manufacture new parts as needed.
I will wait for ATK and maybe buy a rebadged Dale.

I understand that theory very well. But just so that I am clear, what has ATK actually produced themselves. No third party involvment? What manufacturing experience have they had? Maybe I am concerned for nothing.

And no matter what the opinions are here, I would be utterly amazed if the 'Cannondale' name ever appeared on another quad or motorcycle. Why would another company WANT to use another companies name?

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#18 Post by wyndzer »

Why the anger? Unless you are the person putting up the millions of dollars to build a race ready bike then you have to wait and see what happens just like the rest of us. If you are not happy with what you have and are afraid of having a bike that is not being produced anymore then move on to a cookie cutter bike. Easy as 1, 2, 3.tongue.gif

"you" is not directed towards anyone. I'm just tired of reading about what might happen and the "what are we gonna do" posts.

Hopefully there will be a re-birth of our bikes not a similar bike with lower standards. (and may I mention that I think there will be)


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#19 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by wyndzer
Why the anger?  Unless you are the person putting up the millions of dollars to build a race ready bike then you have to wait and see what happens just like the rest of us.  If you are not happy with what you have and are afraid of having a bike that is not being produced anymore then move on to a cookie cutter bike.  Easy as 1, 2, 3.tongue.gif  

"you" is not directed towards anyone.  I'm just tired of reading about what might happen and the "what are we gonna do"  posts.

Hopefully there will be a re-birth of our bikes not a similar bike with lower standards.  (and may I mention that I think there will be)


I didn't realize there was anger in this thread?

I'm not mad and didn't mean to make anyone mad if I did. An open forum thread is a place for facts AND opinions. I am simply stating mine. However if you have a fact to offer that can change my opinion please offer it up! Otherwise we are each entitles to our own.

And unless there is something on this forum against discussing opinions I thought this was a good conversation. If someone is getting upset maybe they should ignore the thread.


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#20 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
And no matter what the opinions are here, I would be utterly amazed if the 'Cannondale' name ever appeared on another quad or motorcycle. Why would another company WANT to use another companies name?
No one will use the Cannondale name, it stayed with the bicycle business and was never up for auction.

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